Most disgraceful Prime Minister of India

via S.Kalyanaraman published on September 4, 2008

It has become clear to all the decent citizens of India that our Prime Minister is an inveterate liar. He told the Lok Sabha on July 22, 2008 (where votes were purchased by him and his party for cash): 

‘I confirm that there is nothing in these agreements which prevents us from further nuclear tests if warranted by our national security concerns’.

Sonia and Man Mohan have joined together to barter away the sovereignty of India to USA forever. For this signal act of great sacrifice, they are going to be honoured by Madras University tomorrow.

BJP leader Yashwant Sinha had said: 

‘Manmohan, if he has an iota of decency, must resign immediately. The Indo-US nuclear agreement is a ‘complete sell out’. He has sold out India and achieved a ‘tainted win’ in parliament. He has lost the moral authority. He will be remembered as the most disgraceful Prime Minister of India in future’.

The slogan of Congress Party is Aam Admi. 

 Thousands of Aam Admi’s have died in the recent Bihar floods and they are still floating in water having lost their homes and all their personal belongings. 

 The Prime Minister and the UPA Chairperson are coming to Madras tomorrow to get their paper Honorary Degrees of global significance. 

 Does this not show that for both of them lives of ordinary Indian citizens (Aam Admi’s) count for nothing – less than nothing? 

 What a sacredly secular and exemplary sense of public irresponsibity shown by them?

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