More than 6000 conversions in mere four years reported from Mallapuram

via HK published on January 24, 2012

Thiruvananthapuram: Mangalam daily cites Intelligence Report from Mallapuram that during past Four years more than 6000 people got converted into ‘a Religion’.

Although Mangalam daily haven’t reported the name of that so called Religion – Any one who know the demography of Mallapuram don’t have to know the name of that Religion – As they already know about it. Mangalam must have kept a safe distance in going further to name that Religion because within that so called religion will get hurt and get offended if any one dares to say facts about them. Then it will be coloured as orchestrated attempt by media to tarnish this Religion of peace! 

As reported, IG S  Ananthakrishnan submitted the explosive report to Police Headquarters. No investigation has been conducted on the modus of operandi , reasons behind conversion or financial sources behind this massive conversions. According to report 1250 in 2006, 1458 in 2007, 1439 in 2008, 1134 in 2009 and 790 in 2010 got converted in past years.

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