More than 5500 Christians and Muslims returned to Hinduism in Uttar Pradesh

published on December 28, 2013

Upananda Brahmachari | HE Media Bureau | Agra | Dec 26, 2013:: A Great News from the heart land of Uttar Pradesh. Thousands of converted Hindus have been opted again their  faith of their forefathers and returned to Hinduism again.

On the very 25th Dec this year 2013, more than five thousand people returned to Hinduism and said  goodbye  to Christianity in a vast area of  Uttar Pradesh  in the localities of Agra, Aligarh, Kasganj, Bareilly, Badaun, Bijnor, Shahjahanpur, Mainpuri  and Firojabad.

The highest re-conversion (Suddhi) in Aligarh, where 2000 Christian became Hindus, was held by Dhrama Jagran Samiti, a specific unit of VHP to make special efforts to sensitize the sense of Dharma in the marginal Hindus in any vulnerable condition, likely to be grabbed by the evangelic elements or other vicious elements like Zakir Naik .

Chanting of Vedic mantras,  purification with Ganga Water,  wearing of sacred threads and sacrifice to the fire God were the prime rituals that had helped the aspirants to get an warm entry to Hinduism once gain and for ever. Most of the people who took the refuge of Hinduism in these programmes,  categorically told that they went to another faith by allurements and embraced Christianity . Seven Muslims in Shahjahanpur also adopted Hinduism.

Upon a complain, a details of conversion in Bijnor, the administration is trying to get exact numbers of such ‘returned to home’ (gar wapsi). From a source it is known that  more than five hundred families (1600 people ) except Christianity became Hindu again. These people are mainly hailed from Malkan Rajput and belonging to  Jat Muslim clan.

OmMayor of Agra Town, Sri Indrajit Arya was also present in the program . In the ceremony held at Saraswati Vidya Mandir at Kasganj, 350 families ( about 1,000 people) and Firojabad 66 families (200 people) rejected Christianity and returned to their traditional faith Hinduism once again .

Prominent RSS , Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Hindu Vahini, Arya Samaj and Bajrang Dal leaders  and the saints of  Hindu organizations were present in these religious programmes. In Bareilly, six hundred people embraced Hinduism. Swami Yaswashi Arya of Arya Samaj  sprinkled the holy Ganges water to the aspirants and initiated them with sacred thread (Yajna-Upaveetam).

With chanting of Veda mantra and offering sacrifice in fire the converted Hindus in dilemma, strongly returned back in Hinduism with full dignity and assurance of the Hindus society in every respect. In the programme of Draupadi Devi Inter College campus in Badaun, some 918 people of two hundred and twenty families were accepted Hinduism again by rejecting Christian hegemony and discrimination  in such ‘homecoming’ program.

Various Hindu organisation have declared to extend their utmost support for providing the free education, health and rehabilitation for these brothers ans sisters came to their own fold of faith almost a decade after.

Erlier, some 325 Muslim members of 150 families of Eta, Farukhabad, Pilbhit, Kashganj, Mainpuri, Bareilly and Badaun were assembled in Eta Arsha Gurukul, where they were reconverted into Hindu Dharma again in presence of Jagadguru Swami Rajrajeswaram of Badrinath Dham. The Swami initiated all the aspirants in the Hindu Dhrama without discriminating any caste or creed.

OM OMSaikh Jabbar of Farukhabad and Mohammad Rauf of Pilvit told that they had a very low position in Muslim society as their forefathers went to Muslim community from a poor section of Hindu society.

Sabnam of Kapil (Farukhabad) and parvez Khan of Nagla Amar Singh (Eta) told that they had been feeling an unavoidable attachment with Hindu faith and people and even they protested cow slaughter and conspiracy of attacks on Hindus.  As the Muslim Imams exploited them in various ways and under an utter desatisfactions they finally made their mind to accept their original faith.

In every place there was a wave of satisfaction and peace as all were in a realm of reunion and the love from the core of heart.

Though some Hindi media like Aaj Tak and  Jagran highlighted this news of huge mass re-conversion in Hinduism, the English media (both print and electronic) skipped the same in a very strange manner.

Anyway, there is no known contra-action so far after the programmes of such large scale Paravartan held in Uttar Pradesh in a short time frame and neither there such any allegation of forceful activities from any side so far.


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