Modi or Rahul ,UPA or NDA ; We will decide- Foreign penpushers stop meddling with Indian psyche

published on June 15, 2013

Following is an alert forwarded by an HK-ite exposing the international groups whose interests are for sure not in the best interest of India. 

Dear Sir,
I received the following message from, titled “Stop Modi-fication of India”, urging me to send a message to JD(U) against supporting Modi. This mail has been written by Emma Ruby-Sachs, who I presume, has no idea of what India is all about and probably paid off by “secularists”. I urge that you post this so that true Hindus can send mails of protest to Avaaz against intruding in our Country’s politics, I reproduce the mail below:

From: “Emma Ruby-Sachs –” <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 08:15:07 -0400
Subject: Stop the Modi-fication of India

To ensure you receive emails like this, add Avaaz to your contacts (how?). Or, click here to unsubscribe.

Dear friends across India,

This weekend, the BJPs political alliance with the Janata Dal (United) might end over Modi, the tainted overseer of a massacre of Muslims, but they’re being lobbied hard to stay. The JD(U) is meeting to make the final decision — let’s urgently ensure they make the right choice for India and tell the BJP to dump Modi:

Sign the petition
This weekend, a crucial decision will be made on the future of India: the BJPs political alliance with the Janata Dal (United) might end over Modi — the tainted overseer of a massacre of Muslims — and his appointment as campaign chief.

Right now, Modi is the likely PM choice for the BJP, securing a victory for the most extreme elements of the party and putting a man who watched over the murder of hundreds of Indians in broad daylight, into power. The JD(U) can draw a line in the sand and declare they will break with Modi’s party, but they’re being lobbied hard to stay. We can ensure they make the right choice for India and tell the BJP to dump Modi.

The Janata Dal (United) is meeting to make that decision. Let’s urgently drown out the BJP’s call and help the JD(U) split from Modi’s bloody past for good. Click below to send your message directly to the JD(U):

The Avaaz community has always stood up for integrity in public office, from fighting against corrupt politicians in India to targeting those accused of rape and holding high office. Let’s come together again and forge a fair and safe future for India.

With hope,

Emma, Oli, Alaphia, Ricken, Dalia, Michelle and the rest of the Avaaz team

HK’s Take

These groups specialized in creating war zones in the eastern side of
the globe to safe-guard the western interests now openly started
interfering in the internal matters of our nation too. Whether it is
Modi or whether it is Rahul, Whether it is UPA or whether it is NDA – We
Indians do not need any ill advices from any foreign pen pushers – Your
forefathers already did enough damage to our Nation , We the current
generation are not ready to take your dictates any more –

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