‘Modi Hating’ Club step up their activities

published on August 19, 2013

The Gujarat Chief Minister, Shree Narendra Modi has been invited by some British MPs to address the their Parliament. This is now followed by an invitation to him from the Australian High Commissioner to visit their country. This proves that, just like the sun always emerges more brightly after an eclipse, truth will come out one day or other, however much anybody tries to camouflage it by total lies and half truths. These invitations from Britain and Australia prove that the foreign nations have started to see through the lies that were being propagated by the pseudo-secular brigades of India for the past eleven years.

Since this is not acceptable to the pseudo secular brigades of India-politicians, media, NGO, self-styled elite intellectuals and other activists- it won’t be surprising if those 65 MPs who denigrated and ridiculed the Indian Democracy by writing to the US president to deny visa to a democratically elected CM of an Indian state or their colleagues wearing the “burqa” of secularism write similar letters to the British and Australian PMs. Teesta Setalvad may write to the so-called International Human Rights organizations, just as she did complaining against the SC appointed SIT, an action for which she was severely reprimanded by the apex Court. Wonder what the hero of the Malayalees psedo-secularists, R.B.Sreekumar would do. I think we can expect ate least an article abusing Mr. Modi from him.

The visual media and their “secular panelists” have already renewed their job of trying to spread their lies against Mr. Modi.

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