Minority vote bank politics and RSS

published on December 1, 2010

By R.L Francis*

Mizoram Express

Politics in India has divided the society more than uniting the people. Politicians have fragmented the society in various castes, classes, religious groups in order to solidify their vote banks.

Slogans of communalism and secularism have been invented by them. And those parties are in power over the society who have proved themselves as saviour of minorities. The result is out in the open to see. Hatred among communities has increased and it has reached to the level of animosity. The situation is now explosive.

Minorities (Muslim and Christian) have threatened it implement Rangnath Misra Commission Report with immediate effect otherwise they will show their strength in the next parliamentary elections.

On the other hand, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) alleged that the UPA government of adopting policy of appeasement towards minorities. All other parties which include communists and Congress have labeled RSS as anti-minority.

Due to growing threat and activities of terrorists in the country thousands of people have lost their lives. A particular section of people have been caught in large numbers engaged in Pakistan sponsored proxy-war. Due to strict measures of security forces; secular parties sometimes feel threatened. Then, these parties raise questions on the functioning of security forces. And irony is that security forces are governed by these same parties.

Minorities played pivotal role in bringing Congress to power again. After a long time Muslims have returned to the Congress fold. Congress is trying every trick so that Muslims’ votes stay with it. However, only spoiler in the game is continued arrests of
Muslim youths in related to terrorist activities. Batla house encounter exposed the desperation of Congress High command. Digvijay Singh, party general-secretary and close aide of Rahul Gandhi blatantly came in support of popular Muslim stand.

The Congress cannot take risk of alienation of Muslims at this juncture. Digvijay Singh, in order to appease Muslims, is continuously hitting at RSS. He even compared RSS to

More intellectual and scholarly P Chidambaram even popularised “saffron terror” and is moving two step further from Rahul Gandhi in comparing the RSS to banned SIMI.

The Sangh is being attacked from all corners. Their game plan did not bear satisfactory fruit; they have tried to portray Sangh as terrorist organisation. Those indulged in a politics of a particular section could not tolerate an organised, aware and dutiful society. It is important for them that society continues to be divided. They have started vicious propaganda war against Sangh and it is being propagated that Sangh is root cause of all evils in the country be it violence, anarchy, confrontation, terrorism and even natural calamity.

However, the Sangh has again presented its cultural legacy of more than eight decades. Millions of Sangh activists peacefully protested against “irresponsible statements” made by various Congress leaders. No violence was reported at any place in this protest. In between former Sarsanghachalak made a personal accusation on Mrs. Sonia Gandhi that made Congress leader sulking. So called secular Congress activists vandalized Sangh offices at various places. Though, Sangh regretted on this statement but the issue was raised at various platforms earlier. Congress should stand that Mrs. Sonia Gandhi is not beyond
question and that they are not running a company called ‘India’.

Those who allege the Sangh of perpetrating communalism have failed to explain which section does Sangh represent. Yes! Sangh talks about Hindus and is this evil? If Christians can be faithful to Holy Vatican and Muslim can be faithful to Mecca; then why Hindus cannot do the same. Church realises that Sangh is the biggest threat that is why Sangh is on the target of church establishment. Church wants to cut the umbilical cord of Hindus from its cultural roots. Only then it will be successful to establish its dominance in the country. What is unfortunate that greedy politicians have not tried to contain the vested interest of church for their own selfish reasons? Sangh is not against any community. It is highly disciplined. Its work is visible to world every day. Patriotism is its identity and to serve the human kind is its main objective. There is no place for hatred in Sangh ideology. Those who make false allegations have their own interests.

*About the author: R.L Francis is the president of Poor Christian Liberation Movement.

You may contact him: [email protected]

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