Minority Reservation is a plot to destroy Hinduism.

via K.Venugopal published on June 30, 2010

1. The aim of minority reservation in the name of Dalits is to put a brake on the steady improvement in the conditions of reserved Hindus.

2. The minorities, using the facilities of reservations, will go in for systematic conversions of Hindus who have not yet benefited from reservations.

3. Being more organized, the minorities will usurp the Hindu quota on reservations (by paying huge bribes, if necessary, to influence corrupt government officials).

4. The most sinister aspect of minoritity reservation would the formation of a new identity of all those who are reserved (very conveniently simply called Dalits) and this block will take on Hindus who are not reserved and seek to destroy the very roots of Hinduism in India.

5. It should clearly be seen that the aim of minority reservation is not the upliftment of the poor Muslims or Christians but the destruction of Hinduism so that eventually the non-reserved Hindu also can be converted.

6. The master-mind of this plan is Sonia Gandhi and her henchman is Veerapa Moily.

7. Muslims and Christians have equal opportunities in India. They are not discriminated in any way.

8. Reservations for Hindus on caste basis was based on the historical fact that they had to undergo social discrimination and the necessity to wipe out the effects of that discrimination.

9. A discriminatory social system was not extant in Islam and Christianity and the absence of such discrimination was their main selling point to convert discriminated Hindus.

10. Now, having come to a dead-end in converting Hindus, the enemies of Hinduism have plotted to complete the task of conversion through the route of reservation.

11. Since the minority reservation lobby is very strong, we have to be very ingenious in tackling the challenge.

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