Ministry of ‘External Affairs’ or Ministry of ‘Middle East Affairs’?

via HK published on April 20, 2008


: In Midst of Raising Inflation, Hiking Prices ,
Farmer Suicides, Destruction of Cultural Heritages like Ram Sethu, Hindu
Bashing, Divisive Politics, In Efficiency and so on.. There is one Policy of
UPA doing par Excellence in keeping their promises- Minority Pampering


of State for External Affairs E Ahamed, was in Middle East for most of the Time
and for him External Affairs means ‘MIDDLE EAST AFFAIRS’ – If we take a stock
of his Journeys we can point out that for the past few years India’s External
affairs were primarily revolving around Gulf countries.


E. Ahammed proudly announce from Jeddah, that arrangements for next Haj
Pilgrimage after a year has started now itself to make sure everything will be
smooth and to provide all modern facilities in place of accomodation.


the new initiatives, he said the pilgrims coming through the Haj Committee of
India will be accommodated in tents within traditional boundaries of the city
of Mina, the
base camp for the pilgrimage. In previous years, pilgrims were put in tents
which they complained were outside Mina. Ahamed also announced that the
pilgrims would be allowed to carry a ‘zamzam’ water (holy water) can of 10
litres with them on their return journey at no additional cost.


is also trying to increase Haj quota 15,000 more pilgrims apart from present 157,000.
That means Indian Tax payers have to provide Haj subsidy for 15,000 more!



and pillows will also be provided to pilgrims free of cost from this year to
all the pilgrims coming through Haj Committee. Minister  also told he will conduct discussions with
civil aviation Minister Praful Patel to make sure faultless services from Air India.


Pilgrims insists that Air India should allow excess baggage free of cost while
flying back to India
as there will be lot of goods after the heavy shopping they do in Jeddah!!



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