May there be more Nalappat Madhavi Kuttys; May there be no more Surayyas

via HK Correspondent published on May 31, 2009

Madhavi Kutty’s conversion to Islam spoilt a well-born Hindu’s life 

With Nalappat Madhavi Kutty’s death, the Malayalam language has lost a writer of prose of great charm and elegance.

But this well-born Hindu writer damaged both herself and the noble society into which she was born when she was tricked into becoming a Muslim by a Muslim leader dangling the promise of marriage before her.

It was a great tragedy for Hindu society when, despite her education and noble social background, this naïve writer converted to Islam even before marrying the Muslim scoundrel. Her would-be husband, like a typical Muslim, backed out of marriage AFTER her conversion.

Hindu society could have remembered her as one of the most charming writers it has produced but for this single great act of foolishness on the part of Nalappat Madhavi Kutty. She must have surely regretted her entry into the stifling desert religion. During their meeting in Kerala, the brave Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen admonished her conversion into a religion that treats women as no better than doormats.

On her death, Kerala’s evil politicians, intellectuals and media have begun praising Nalappat Madhavi Kutty, not for her charming writing but for “rebelling against established mores.” This is nothing but a codeword for her scandalous conversion to Islam.  This totally discredited triumvirate  (politicians, intellectuals and media), following their hidden agenda against Hindu society,  is in fact praising her for quitting her native religion of Hinduism.  No words are too strong to condemn these three evil groups.

Isn’t it the supreme irony that this evil triumvirate is praising Nalappat Madhavi Kutty for ‘fighting for equal rights for women’ even after she was tricked into joining a religion that denies women even the most basic human rights?

As the writer Sugatha Kumari rightly said, Nalappad Madhavi Kutty was a ‘grown up child.’ Her child-like naivete is a reflection of the general naivete, gullibility and credulousness that afflicts Hindu society – a trait that is thoroughly exploited by the sworn enemies of Hindu society like the Muslims, Christians, communists, pseudo-secular politicians, dishonest intellectuals and, of course, the evil media.

May Hindu society continue to produce fine writers like Nalappat Madhavi Kutty. May none of them ever become a Surayya.

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