Massive protest against Missionaries in TN Village

published on October 10, 2009

Courtesy :

Tuticorin (Tamil Nadu): In Tuticorin District, a village named “Thalaivanvadali” near Aathur more than 300 men,women and children including Panchayat President, Gram Sabha Chief Sri Nandagopal and Hindu Right Activists Sri V.P. Jayakumar and Hindu Munnani Treasurer Sri Sakthivel went to District Collector’s office (25 K.M. from the village) by walk to stage a demonstration against the new plan for building a Christian Church in the Village.

A Christian Missionary with its magical words (cheating words) canvassed two families in the village and converted them as Christians. With a piece of land captured illegally and by cheating the said christian missionary is trying to build a church. All the other 500 families in that village and also the nearby villages are traditionally and hereditically Hindus. They are living without any quarrel and without any differences. But that Christian Missionary wants to create problem and chaos also planning to gain through this cheaper ways. The procession was obstructed by the local police and after among them some 5 important members of the village met the Revenue Officer Mr.Ravichandran at the District Collectorate and submit their petition.
We should appreciate the courage and braveness of the villagers. The missionaries are slowly stealing Tamilnadu inch by inch in land wise,culture wise and religion wise.

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