Marathi Maanus are Hindu maanus : Subramaniam Swamy

via Press Release published on February 1, 2010

February 1, 2010.
Statement of Dr. Subramanian Swamy,
President of the Janata Party.

            I congratulate the RSS Sarsanghchalak Shri Mohan Bhagwat for showing statesmanship and true Hindutva by declaring all Indians as children of Bharat Mata and that every inch of India belongs to all patriotic Indians, irrespective of region, religion and language.

            The Shiv Sena and MNS call to regard Mumbai as belonging to “Marathi Maanus” has no credibility because the Thackeray family’s DNA is the same as mine and UP residents.  I had this recently tested in a Genetic clinic in Hyderabad based on hair samples obtained from their hairdressers..

            Hence I challenge the Thackerays to first demonstrate that they are genetically different from the rest of us Indians, for making such claims of exclusivity for the mythical distinctiveness of the Marathi Maanus.

            As for the Marathi language, 70% of its words are taken from Sanskrit. Hence it is like any other Indian language.  Even Tamil of Karunanidhi’s has 44% Sanskrit words. Moreover, the script of Marathi language is Devanagari which was a part of the Sanskrit. Thus, the Thackerays should give up this “wild goose chase” of Marathi-ism and talk about Hindutva instead, to unite all Indians against foreigners and terrorists.


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