Mao, Maoists, Mamta, Congress and Communists

via Vedaprakash published on June 25, 2009

The strategy of March 2009 continued in May to install a Catholic-Communist[1] manipulated Government in the Secular India to fool the voters and loot the tax-payers and poor consumers[2]. April and May months witnessed with the killing of Prabhakaran exposing the hypocrisy of the Tamils and the duplicity of Dravidian ideology[3]. The Dravidian leader was only running after Sonia to get minister ships for his family members, instead of dieing for Tamil and so on, as he used to make such gimmicks and rhetoric very often[4]. Mamta, the Neo-Congress-Communist female Gandhi has been playing in Nandigramam and now in Lalgarh (it is bleeding and burning with the color of Red and after all, the Communists of all sorts want only the Red). The Bengal has started burning and the Maoists have been roaming on the streets with AK-47.
To suppress the neo-anti-Indian terrorism nurtured and operating from many states with the support of Congress and Communists, the so-called rape of Sophia is interspersed, as if no woman has been raped in Kashmir or in India, forgetting or suppressing the fact of lakhs of Hindu women raped and killed during the last 60 years secular rule[5] and 600 years Mohammedan rule[6]. The so-called ban imposed on the CPI (ML) with whom the Congress, Mamta and others have / had alliance and fought elections becomes farce, as the Home Minister could only give his own interpretation that by including its name under Appendix to the Unlawful Prevention Act, he removes any ambiguity. He goes on to explain the nuances as follows, in spite of the fact that Bankura and Purulia[7] districts have a long tradition of terrorism and arms smugglings and both districts were near Lalgarh, the “area of conflict”.

The dubious role of Centre banning and the Communists not banning CPI (Maoist): Perhaps, the “Kashmir-type anti-Indian terrorism” is nurtured through Maoists by the Congress and Communists, because the apologetic attitude of the Home Minister has been exposed his inefficiency in dealing with the serious problem. The Centre on Monday banned the Communist Party of India (Maoist), terming it a terrorist organisation. It invoked Section 41 of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act against the extremist outfit. The CPI (Maoist) came into existence following the merger of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist), the People’s War Group (PWG) and the Maoist Communist Centre (MCC). The ban came two days after West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee met Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram in the backdrop of violent incidents in Lalgarh and the ongoing operation by the police and the security forces to reclaim the area. The Chief Minister had said that his government would give a “serious thought” to banning the CPI (Maoist) as advised by the Home Minister. Of course, the “Buddhu” would be thinking serious forever, as he wants only the “revolution” to take place.

Chidambaram becomes wise enough to explain the legality of the ban: The ban was to avoid any ambiguity though all formations and front organisations of the PWG, the MCC and the CPI (ML) came under the purview of the ban. In September 2004, the CPI (ML) and the MCC announced their decision to merge and named the new organisation CPI (Maoist). There was some opposition to the merger and some elements in the two organisations continued to function independently. The leaned HM clarifies that the merged organisation would continue to be listed as a terror organisation. “When I looked into the matter a couple of days ago, I said that may be the position in the law. In order to avoid any ambiguity, let us add the CPI (Maoist) by name in that schedule of the Act.” Though, he has been a good friend of Karat and N., Ram meeting and discussing all issues, he had time to think about the legality only a couple of days ago.

Other States could ban, but not West Bengal: Many States, including Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, had declared the CPI (Maoist) an unlawful association. Bihar, Orissa, Jharkhand and Tamil Nadu had done so under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. “When I had a discussion with Mr. Bhattacharjee, I advised him to ban the CPI (Maoist) under Section 16 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1908. That power is available with the State. I did not change my view. I still think that West Bengal should declare the CPI (Maoist) an unlawful association,” he told journalists. Asked about the Left parties’ opposition to the ban, Mr. Chidambaram said the Left had taken a view which was not that of the West Bengal government. “I hope distinction between the party and the government is still there in this country. I expect that the Chief Minister will look into the matter.”  But they too know the distinction between Chidambaram as Home Minister and friend of the Communists!

Congress, BJP back ban on Maoists: The Congress declared through a Muslim spokesman Shakil Ahmed[9] told a media briefing on Monday (23-06-2009) backed the ban on CPI (Maoist) for `terrorist’ activities adding that there was a need to open a dialogue with any group stepping out of the political mainstream[10], “Left extremism” would have to be dealt with as a threat to society. “We support the Centre’s decision to declare the Maoist group as a terrorist organisation and those states hit by naxalite violence should now come forward and take effective steps,” The BJP, with no other option, allowed its spokesperson Rajiv Pratap Rudy to say, “The government has banned Maoist organisations in view of the violence perpetrated across the country by them and it is a welcome step. In democracy, there is no space for violence. We also want bodies associated with these groups to be banned.”

Why Mamta was not happy with the ban? Of course, the Congress also denied that railway minister Mamata Banerjee was upset over the Centre’s harsh step and claimed she was part of the government decision. Ahmed, a former minister of state for home, suggested that states most affected by Left extremism should come out with a white paper on the menace. “They should play a very effective role,” he said. Asked whether Banerjee had been consulted before sending central forces to Bengal to reclaim the Lalgarh area from Maoists, Ahmed said paramilitary forces were normally rushed to a place only at the request of the state government. “When a trained and armed outfit challenges the rule of law, there is no choice but to face it as a law and order problem,” he said. Ahmed, however, discarded the concept of Salwa Judum resistance force encouraged by the BJP by insisting that civilians should not be encouraged to take law into their own hands. Yeah, here the cat come out – only the superficial combat mechanism should be followed, no matter how many army, para-military or security forces get killed in such mild operations.

“Ban on Maoists will not serve any purpose”: All Communists sing the same song[11]: It has been Karat again, who tells that the ban imposed by the Centre on Maoists would not serve any purpose. “Our stand in West Bengal is that we have to combat [Maoists] politically and administratively,” general secretary Prakash Karat told The Hindu. Yes, Indians know how the Marxists have been dealing with the Maoists for the last 60 years. They have been only fighting the elections together and killing people together. After all Red is Red always, whatever name it is called. However, his point of view was not in response to the decision of the Centre, which could ban organisations, but the party line, he said. He says a political strategy was necessary, because the Maoists had to be isolated from the sections of the people who associated themselves with them, and a firm administrative action was needed when they indulged in violence. “A combination [of political and administrative] measures is the most effective.” Thus, the comrades – Maoist ideologists and brethren started singing the same song.

All-India Forward Bloc general secretary Debabrata Biswas said the Maoist movement could not be seen as a mere law and order issue, and banning it would not solve the problem. CPI general secretary A.B. Bardhan has said imposing a ban on the CPI (Maoist) is not a cure to the problem and the CPI will prefer countering such outfits politically. “That has been our stand and that will continue,” Mr. Bardhan said. He extended his party’s support to the operations launched jointly by the State and Central governments in West Bengal to recapture the areas occupied and declared as `liberated provinces’ by the Maoists. Asserting that the rule of law should be established in all parts of the State, he, however, said the operations should be conducted “as peacefully as possible” and the common people should not be unduly harassed. “Even if the operation is conducted slowly and steadily, efforts should be made to see that harassment is not unleashed on the people,” he said.
How to combat the Maoists politically and administratively when the Maoism spreads like Swine flu to all States? Though the comrades have been praying for such cures for the exposed disease spreading like swine flu to other states, they are not coming out with any such political and administrative measures or combats. The political battle has just been fought with alliance and the Congress too had alliance with them, just like having alliance with DK, DMK, MDMK, PMK[12] etc., who are one way or the other have been involved in the killing of Indira Gandhi[13], Rajiv Gandhi[14] and other terrorist activities. Just like Red brigade of Communists, these Black Brigade has been also colluding with each other with different flags for opportunistic politics. Thus, the Black Parivar and Red Parivar aid and abet always as for as the anti-Indian agenda is concerned. As LTTE used civilians as shield, the Maoists use tribes as shield. The same trend could noted in the activities of the Christians in Orissa and north-east[15], where the Hindus are targeted, killed and eliminated. The Green Parivar uses such bloody action in Jammu & Kashmir[16]. Therefore, coming to the second option of “administrative measure or combat”, the respective State Governments could give salaries to the terrorists and anti-nationals, as the J & K government is doing[17]. Perhaps, the Communists are exactly suggesting such wonderful idea so that the government money could also be used for the terrorist activities.

Lalgarh tense, declares “Conflict area” says Chidambaram[18]: The Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram on Sunday (21-06-2009) described the situation in Lalgarh in West Bengal as “sensitive and tense.” He urged citizens, especially political leaders, not to go to the conflict area, even as Left MPs appealed to the Prime Minister to intervene following reports that some Union Ministers were reaching there. “The situation in Lalgarh is sensitive and continues to be tense. Besides, the CPI (Maoist) has called for a [a two-day] bandh [from] tomorrow [Monday]. Security forces must carry on their work without distraction. Hence I appeal to all citizens, especially political leaders, NGOs, and others, not to go to the conflict area,” Mr. Chidambaram said in a brief statement. The Home Ministry cautioned the people to remain vigilant against possible violence during the bandh called by the Maoists in Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa and West Bengal. The Maoists might target security forces, economic infrastructure and public places. However, no such warning was issued, when the Maoists went on spree during the elections killing innocent people, army personnel and police.

The parallel between Kashmir and Bengal: Mehbooba Mufti was crying about the rape of Sophia drawing attention to the Mangalore Pub-incidence[19]. Of course, the “pub-baro” famous lady minister Renuka has disappeared from the scene tasting defeat in the elections. Here, Chidambaram talks like a UN or Paki-representative mentioning areas of Bengal as “conflict area”! What exactly, the HM wants to convey to the Indians? Can a HM talk like this? That is whgy perhaps the comrades have pointed out the difference between Chidambaram, HM of India and friend of Communists!

Help resolve Lalgarh crisis: The Hindu, the Communist mouth-piece has already come out with its apologetic cry through the editorial[20]. It goes as follows:  “Using the communist ideological languages, it says that Social unrest is known to manifest itself as problems of law and order. But the reverse can also be true: sometimes, politically inspired violence seeks the cover of socio-economic grievances. Maoist outlaws who went on the rampage in the Lalgarh area of West Midnapore district of West Bengal, carrying out murderous attacks on workers of the ruling Communist Party of India (Marxist) and destroying their houses and party offices, were looking to settle political scores in the guise of protesting `police atrocities.'[21] Using the neighbouring State of Jharkhand as the base[22], they established a reign of terror and drove out security personnel and CPI(M) workers and sympathisers. With tribal folk as a human shield[23], they have now sought to create `liberated zones’ in the district[24]. The offensive, timed to take advantage of the electoral debacle of the CPI(M) in the recently concluded Lok Sabha election[25], would not have been possible without the support of the main opposition party, the Trinamool Congress. Either directly or indirectly, the Police Santrosh Birodhi Janashadharaner Committee or the People’s Committee against Police Atrocities, which spearheads the agitation, has drawn sustenance from the opportunism of the Trinamool Congress, and its junior partner in the State, the Congress” [the comments are given in the footnotes]. Here, note the timing of release of the so-called report of raping of Sophia, as the agenda of the so-called “Police Santrosh Birodhi Janashadharaner Committee” and the anti-Indianforces in J & K talk the same language. Of course, the TV-channels too give publicity to such anti-Indian hysteria by showing it repeatedly [Iyahho., iyahoo ennai kolai seyrangada – Oh, Oh, they are killing me!][26].
Blame game injected in the “Editorial”: “It is no surprise that the Trinamool Congress led by the mercurial Mamata Banerjee, which has the single-point agenda of undermining the CPI(M) in every conceivable way[27], takes such short-sighted positions on vital issues. Less explicably, the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government at the Centre took a highly coloured view of the extremist violence[28]. Parties, at their own risk of being found out by the people, may play political games at every opportunity. But those in responsible positions in government, including Ms Bannerjee, are duty-bound to uphold the rule of law. From the very beginning, instead of extending all possible help to the West Bengal government to end the extremist violence, the Centre has been putting the entire onus on the State. True, the Left Front government and Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee were distressingly slow to wake up to the crisis[29]. But the Union government, which sees the Maoist upsurge as a national security threat elsewhere in the country, has been quite happy to let the Left Front government struggle with a difficult situation[30]. The thinking seems to be that it should be made to pay the political costs of quelling the Lalgarh revolt, and it may even be a case of hoping: the bloodier, the better. The situation in West Midnapore is too serious to allow for such crass politicking. The Manmohan Singh government must not lose any more time in coming to the aid of West Bengal’s Left Front government in tackling the Maoists, and their surrogates. Else there will be a heavier cost to pay”.  The above two paras have been quted from the Hindu editorial and it could not have been printed without the attention of the Comrade N. Ram and thus, they are revealing exposing the nexus between the Maoists, communists and Congress (of all sorts and splinter groups).

Chidambaram: Why aren’t Maoists banned in Bengal?[31]: Chidambaram, the close friend of Karat and N. Ram asks this question[32] apologetically! “Free of Left shackles”, the Centre on Friday finally told West Bengal, “what security and intelligence agencies had been urging it to do for a long time — ban Maoists in the state. Questioning the wisdom of Left-ruled West Bengal for not banning CPI (Maoists) in the state, he said, “I believe there are voices in West Bengal which have raised this issue. We think they should be banned in West Bengal as in other states.” This was the first time in five years that a home minister openly stated the need to ban Maoists in West Bengal when the outfit is banned by the central government and all naxal-affected states. And therefore, what he was doing for the five years has to be researched into! Security and intelligence agencies have been raising the issue for long, arguing that West Bengal has become a shelter for Red ultras who take refuge there after committing violence in neighbouring Jharkhand, Bihar and Orissa and also in faraway states like Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh. After all, only the political adversaries have been killed by the Maoists and the beneficiaries have been the Congress and Communists politically, Catholics and Muslims religiously. Besides asking the state to ban naxals, the Centre unequivocally extended its support to West Bengal for its suggestion for talks with Maoists — provided the ultras laid down their arms.

The Maoists behind the veil of “Tribals” or using tribes as shield, exposed: After a Cabinet meeting which also took note of violence in Lalgarh and adjoining areas, Chidambaram said chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharya had conveyed to him his readiness to speak with Maoists or tribal leaders. “The CM told me that he had made an appeal to Maoist and tribal leaders that the state government was willing to talk. I endorse that appeal[33]. If they wish to talk, they should come forward to do so. We will be happy to facilitate the talks,” he said. “We are dealing with a situation where there is a militant organisation and we want them to lay down arms and come to talks if they have any grievances,” he added. Referring to the operation against naxals in Lalgarh, the home minister said police and paramilitary personnel would take more time and the forces should expect the “unexpected”. “Progress will be slow. They (forces) are making progress… So far, the operation is going according to plan but they must be prepared for the unexpected. I sincerely hope that with the kind of action we have advised, the operation will be successful. An operation of this kind will take some time. In fact, it will take considerably more time than was anticipated,” he said. He added that forces were “moving and moving cautiously” and the operation was not against tribals but only against naxalites[34]. Asked whether security forces could expand their operations to adjoining districts of Bankura and Purulia, he said since both districts were near Lalgarh, the ongoing operations “could take them to Bankura and Purulia too”.

When Devils rule the country, the scripture would start eating the corpses: Thus prophetically sang Subramania Bharati some 70 years ago in Tamilnadu. Yes, when Chidambaram like Home Ministers rule India, the terrorists would be walking on the roads with AK-47 killing people; when Chidambaram like Finance Ministers are planning and presenting Budgets there would be investment of terrorists in the share market and negative inflation, of course the price of the essential commodities would higher only! The FM would not be worrying about the tax collection by the terrorist groups and running parallel governments in their “free / liberated zones” in different states of India. Thus, ultimately, if Chidambaram like Law Ministers are there in the country, the Judges and Advocates would be burning the Constitution and all other Acts and Rules of the country.

Note: Here “Chidambaram” is used figuratively to drive out the point and not to denote any individual person or citizen of India[35].


[1] Vedaprakash, The Christian-Marxist nexus to install a Communist Government in India,
……………, Maoism, the façade of anti-Indian forces: A Critical analysis of the “left, centre and right”,
Vedaprakash, Marxist love for women politicians: Spinsters and bachelors! , for details see at:
Vedaprakash, Woman terrorists in India,
Originally, I posted these articles in, however, surprisingly I find that not only this, but also other articles posted from March 15 to June 2009 have been deleted. When asked the Company, they say that their website has been hacked, there was a crash and they would restore the postings and so on. But, I strongly feel that my articles have been removed purposely. However, they could be available in other websites.
[2] As the FM role is now played by a person WB, there would be more looting through the coming Budget totally bankrupting India. The so-called negative inflation and other statistically manipulated gimmicks and the economic lectures would continue to fool the Indians.
[3] In fact, the genuine Tamils were totally taken aback and even openly started discussing how the so-called Dravidian ideologists and politicians could keep quite or bargaining for the minister-ships and so on. Some have gone to the extent of appreciating Prabhakaran for his “valourous fight to death”.
[4] The Kalainjat TV shows every day how Karunanidhi would get resurrected or come alive, even if he were thrown into ocean etc., to serve only Tamil people. Ironically, such computergraphic shows imitate the “Bakta Prahaladha” and are anathema to the anti-Hindu Karunanidhi,. Yet, the Tv has decided to incorporate such myths to exploit the common people.
[5] Whether the Indian government has such figures? One should apply under Right to information At and get the figures to counter this type of propaganda.
[6] No historian would have ventured into such research, as the “secular and scientific temper” would have stopped him to do so. Only, another Kalhana should come to write the History of Kashmir again.
[7] In Purilia, a foreigner – Peter Bleach dropped boxes full of arms from an air-craft an Antonov An-26 Kim sent by one Davy alias Neils Christian Nielsen on December 1995 and of course, our Indians would have forgotten about it. For details, see Wikipedia.
 The Times of India dated June 23, 2009. For detals, see at:
[9] Whenever, any important issue is dealt with or India is represented to the world, the secular India always requires a Mohammedan or Christian secretary, minister, PM or President.
[10] This type of stereo-type talk and verbiology could be noted in their rehearsed talks and interviews. Indiand have been watching how the Kashmir Indians have been joining the mainstream after laying doewn their arms and without burning our national flag for every pretext.
[11] The Hindu dated June 22, 2009, For more details, see at:
[12] PMK has passed resolution just like Maoists and commiunists for the separation of Tamilnadu from India under the “right of self-determination with the right to secede”. Ironically, such resolution was passed before the Indian President in Chennai.  However, Anbumani would say that he has been in the good books of Sonia!
[13] Karunanidhi & seven Ors vs Indira Priyadarshini Nehru Gandhi – AIR 1967 SC could be seen for details for the attempted murderous act committed on Indira Gandhi at Madurai by the DMK leaders.
[14] Perhaps, it is too well known to be repeated here. As planned, Prabhakaran was killed before May 22, 2009 as desired by Sonia, the she scored two victories in May 2009.
[15] Note the killing of two Swamijis there to create problems among the Hindu SCs and STs, thereby reaping harvests, as planned by the Christians and the tactful support extended by the Christian-Maoist gangs to such harvest operations meticulously.
[16] The usage of Maoist tactics – use of drugs and sex, converting females to terroirists and making them suicide bombers etc. For more details, see my article:
Vedaprakash, Woman terrorists in India, at
……………., Marxist love for woman politicians: Spinsters and bachelors!, for more details, see at:
[17] Perhaps, nowhere in this world, where terrorists and anti-nationals are getting salaries from the government without any sense or remorse, just because they are “Muslims”, the potential voters for the Congress. The same tactics has been followed by the Communists and Dravidian parties.
[18] The Hindu dated June 22, 2009, For more details, see at:
[19] On 22-06-2009, the TV-channels IBN-CNN, TIMES-Now etc., were repeatedly showing it without giving any reference to the pub-Renuka.
[20] The Hindu dated 19-06-2009, for more details, see at:
[21] Thus, the Communist collusion is proven, as ultimately, the sufferers would be the poor Indian citizens and these Red gangs terrorise Indians with their imported ideology from China and Russia, just like the Catholic Sonia spoiling India.
[22] Why the Jharkhand BJP has been in turmoil could be understood. Every loss to BJP is gain for the Congress and communist parties. Therefore, the role as suspected could be reasonable considering the sequential events taking place.
[23] Note the anti-Indian terrorist tactics adapted and adopted repeatedly against India at all places.
[24] When such “liberated zones” are there according to the Maoists and “conflict areas” are there as per the confession of Chidambaram, the congress government is worthless to rule India.
[25] Note the manipulated election, as has been pointed out. The Communist collusion is revealed again and again, but the idiotic Indians have been more interested in the Cinemas, Cricket, share markets etc.
Vedaprakash, Politics, Cricket, Share market and Gambling in India, see at
[26] It is the dramatic cry of Karunanidhi, when he was “dramatically arrested” during mid-night by the Chennai police during the Jaya-regime and the cries and scenes were repeatedly shown in the SUN-TV network owned by the ruling Karunanidhi family members. Could be compared with the Tehelka sting operation of Gujarat also. Here, how the media has been misused for the propagandist purposes could be noted. The purpose behind has been not anything good to India, but spoiling the minds of Indians with paracholialism, separatism ans ultimately seeding for anti-Indian attitude.
[27] Why all the political parties were shouting that “they would defeat BJP, keep BJP out, eliminate BJP”, openly before the cameras and the national and international TV-channels were broadcasting and at that time none thought about such democratic values or the operations of the opposite parties.
[28] When terrorists have also been part of the ruling alliance, they have to coloured with the spectrum of Red, Black and Green always!
[29] It is just the criminal proceedings initiated against Karunanidhi, which have been kept in the cold storage. Of course, the Petitioner has been only running here and there and hiding also fearing the action of the respondent. Thus goes the Law and Judiciary in Tamilnadu.
[30] Thus the Congresss-Communist collusion playing politics and killing the poor innocent people etc., have been revealing.
[31] Times of India dated 20-06-2009. For details, see at:
[32] These old friends meet each other in Chennai and other places. K. Chandru would be also seen with them , several times.
[33] First, Chidambaram accepts the appeal, but immediately within two days bans the organizations without any ambiguity, as he has asserted. However, the WB secretary says that he would go into the legalities of the ban. Before taking any decision!
[34] It is just like the debate started by the police when the killers of Swami Laksmanananda were declared as “Christians” and then “Maoists”. Later,, the “Maoists” accepting and denying their role in the killing! How the security forces could differentiate between the arms-carrying villagers or Maoist terrorists? Would Chidambaram order for any surveillance equipment in this regard?
[35] In fact, when Chidambaram was practicing as an Advocate / Central Excise Consultant, he and his wife were appearing for many manufacturers against the Government and of course, that is a different story, as he did it for his career and livelihood.


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