Manmohan’s “nothing to hide”

via K Vijayan published on December 22, 2010

It is just as good as MK’s, Cunnymozhi’s, or Raja’s. Better, since he is the Designated Prime Minister, with neither duties, nor responsibilities, nor a Voice in anything – except cases where he has to act as the Authorised Agent for Uncle Sam and American Interests.

These self-serving statements have to be taken at face value, and are a part of his Human Rights. Like if he is ever hauled up before a Court, he is entitled to file the Proforma Affidavit denying all charges – just like every other felon. So why make a Headline out of it?

The Radia-Spectral mini-mushroom cloud has only highlighted the fact that any Crime committed by those in Power, and their courtesans/courtiers, whether it is mass murder of Sikhs in Delhi, or Hindus in Kashmir, indiscriminate and blatant misuse of power and public money for self-aggrandisement, looting of Hindu Temples and properties, preaching and practicing secession, carrying out Jihadi and Crusader terror strikes, are non-cognisable, non-judiciable perfectly legal actions, and a Privilege of Power. Like it is now an accepted practice that MP-MLA area development funds should go directly to their Savings Accounts, Familynamed Rojgarh Funds to Partycadres.

The Manmohan Corollary to this Paradigm is “being an accessory to any or all of these crimes is not a crime either.”

And that should absolve Radias, Rotters and Mediamouths.

No crime. Nothing to hide.

Mere Bharat (and its Media) mahan.

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