Mahatma Gandhi Vs Maino Gandhi

via B.R.Haran published on September 12, 2006

The Congress Working Committee, which met on Sunday the 10th of September 2006, had resolved to celebrate the centenary of “Satyagraha” movement. The resolution says, “It was resolved to uphold the ‘legacy’ of Mahatma Gandhi, in a world that is continuing the spread of ‘violence & hatred’, sustained propagation of ‘bigotry & discord’ and where ‘poverty & inequality’ are still very much prevalent”.

It is an irony that the party did nothing to up hold the legacy of Mahatma while in power for 50 out of 60 years after independence. In fact, it has moved far away from the legacy to a position, which is a point of no return. The fact is that the party’s attitude, approach & the functioning style have all degenerated to a great extent after Mahatma’s exit and it would be foolish to believe that the present day Congress and the pre independence Congress are one & the same.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru rejected the Mahatma’s idea of dismantling Congress after independence, with a sole selfish aim of placing himself in the central seat of power and the Mahatma also, knowingly or unknowingly, made the mistake of projecting him as the Prime Minister instead of Sardar Patel. Since then, the Congress party has become the property of Nehru family.

Nehru, with his anti-Hindu mindset, was full of appeasement towards minorities. He gave full freedom to the Christian missionaries to conduct their evangelization programs and allowed them to stabilize well in our country. On the other hand, he alienated Muslims from the mainstream with his appeasement policies and allowed them to have their own separatist agenda & personal laws, for which J & K is an apt example.

Nehru’s daughter Indra, went one step ahead, by treating the entire country itself as her family’s property and she was a symbol of ‘arrogance & autocracy’ as evidenced by the dark days of ’emergency’.

Her son Rajiv made ‘corruption’ as the ‘mantra’ of the party and the Congress party earned the distinction of being the most corrupt party in the country. Before independence, all the Congress leaders sacrificed their health & wealth for the freedom of the country & welfare of the people, but, after independence, all the Congress leaders have amassed a lot of money & wealth.

The present chief, a foreign head, has excellently adopted the legacy of Congress in a short span of time and is reigning supreme now as the Super Prime Minister without any responsibility & accountability. She is ‘all in one’, that is, she has inherited all the qualities of her in-laws’ family. Being born as a catholic and grown with a natural anti-Hindu mindset, she has inherited the indifference & appeasement mentality of Nehru, autocracy & arrogance of Indra, corruption of Rajiv, apart from the common aspects such as the dividing & ruling of people, treating the party as own property, etc.

In the post independence era, a Nehruvian legacy has been evolved & maintained till date and in such a scenario, where is the question of upholding the legacy of Mahatma? The present day Congressmen have ben remembering Gandhi only while wearing the famous “Gandhi Cap” during their annual meets. Madam Sonia, in an attempt to hoodwink the people in the name of reviving the spirit of freedom movement, stage managed a “Dhandi March” a few months back, to commemorate the “Salt Satyagraha”. All her spineless sycophants followed the same in their respective states and the show ended up as a damp squib. In the last few weeks, the party made a mockery of the centenary of Vande Mataram and insulted this great nation by creating an unnecessary controversy, which widened the rift between the already divided people. Further to that, SPM Sonia & PM Manmohan added insult to injury, by choosing not to attend the song recital function. Having earned the wrath of the entire nation on this big blunder, the party is now trying to divert the attention of the people by announcing a country wide celebration of the centenary of the Satyagraha movement.

The CWC was urgently convened before the PM’s tour, not to discuss the Aam Aadmi’s issues or farmers’ suicides or price hike or national security or terrorism or foreign policy, but, to discuss the escape route from the Vande Mataram fiasco. The people can be rest assured that the satyagraha celebration by the party will also end up with the same fate of Dhandi March & Vande Mataram, because, stage shows will not reach the people’s heart. Such celebrations would be successful only when they are celebrated by the Indians, who are ‘true’ at heart. Sonia & her spineless men are not true Indians and hence they would certainly fail at the end.

If at all the party wants to honor the Mahatma in the centenary year of the Satyagraha, it would do well by removing the suffix “Gandhi” from the name of its president and by addressing its number one family as “Nehru Family” instead of “Nehru-Gandhi” family.

Maino Gandhi may act like a “Mother Superior” now, but, it is only temporary and Mahatma Gandhi was, is & will be always the “Father” of this Great Hindu Nation and he will bless us all for Peace & Prosperity.

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