Mahapadayatra to Save Temples

via Press Release published on February 14, 2009

 Dear Fellow Indians and Non Resident Indians,

Hinduism, the rock bed of India that sustained greatest civilization
for 10,000 years is facing great threat for its survival. To give you
a glimpse of what is happening:

  1. Per Govt records in 2005 in Andhra Pradesh, there are 198,857
    temples, 147, 991 churches, 175, 959 Mosques. Upto 90% of the churches
    and Mosques are built in last few years. India is rapidly islamised
    and christianized.
  2. 30% of coastal Andhra is converted. North Eastern states
    are converted upto 95%. Yearly billions of dollars are being poured
    for conversions from the West as well as from Saudi Arabia.
  3. 350,000 Kashmiri Hindus were driven away from Kashmir for
    last 18 years and are living in squalid camps. Daily temples are destroyed
    in Kashmir.
  4. More than 4000 people were killed due to terrorism, just
    next to Iraq, in last 4 years, mostly Hindus and several Hindu Temples
    such as in Jaipur, Varanasi, Aksharadam, Ayodhya Ram temple have become
    areas of terrorism.
  5. With blessing of Osama Bin Laden, Pakistan ISI and Bangladesh
    DGFI are on a mission to create Mughalistan, joining northen corridor
    of India from Pakistan to Bangla Desh.
  6. Islamic fundamentalists in West Bengal and throughout the
    country are busy targeting Hindus, Hindu worship and Hindu institutions
    wherever their numbers are 25% or more.
  7. In schools, colleges, banks everywhere being Hindu has become
    a burden in seats, in resources. Govt openly declared Muslims come first
    in the country for securing vote banks.

A serious problem Hindus are facing is in the way temples are
targeted where massive looting of temple properties and devotee offerings
and diversion of temple resources for political purposes is taking place.
To give just one example, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar quoted in 2005 in Karnataka,
out of 72 crores collected from about 2 lakh temples only 6 crores are
given back for temple maintenance, 50 crores diverted through treasury
for Haj trips and 12 crores for churches and rest for Govt secular purposes.
The results is 25% (50,000) are expected toclose down.

You can get a glimpse of the situation by watching presentation
‘Threat to Hindu Temples and Institutions’ at

To address this problem an organization, Global Hindu Heritage
Foundation GHHF was formed in US along with parallel Organization in Hindu
Devalaya Parirakshina Samiti (HDPS) in India. Lawsuits were brought in
State Courts, Protests, Media Interviews, Meeting with Chief Ministers,
Central Leadership such as BJP, Awareness programs are some of the many
programs conducted in just last 2 years that brought in lot of successes.

The most significant program is Maha Paadayatra in 2007 covering
3500 Kms in Andhra Pradesh bringing awareness to Hindus as well as invigorating
Hinduism. The finale in Jan 2008 was attended by 10,000 people (see
for more details).

The second Mahapadayatr started on August 16, 2008 and continue
until Feb 16, 2009 is brining awareness to millions of people in Andhra
. The finale in Tirupathi is attended by who’s who of Hinduism.
30,000 – 35,000 people are expected to attend.

  • Sri Swami Dayananda Saraswati (Arshavidya Gurukulam)
  • Sri Datta Vijayananda Teertha Swami (Avadhuta Datta
    Peetham, Mysore)
  • Sri Sreenivasa Ramanuja Jeera Swamy (Hyderabad)
  • Sri Sachidananda Saraswati (Tuni)
  • Sri Swaroopanandendra Saraswati (Visakhapatnam)
  • Sri Swami Paripoornananda Saraswati (Sreepeetham, Kakinada)
  • Sri Krishna Yaji Swamy (Srikakulam)
  • Sri NarasimhaBharati Swamy, Pushpagiri Peetham, Hyderabad
  • Sri Madhavananda Saraswathi Swamy, Medak District
  • Sri Yogananda Saraswathi (Sri Gopala Krishna Mutt, Adilabad)
  • Sri Swami Paripoornananda Swami (Malyalam Swami)
  • Dr. Subramanian Swamy (President, Janata Party)
  • Sri P V R K Prasad, IAS
  • Dr. T. Hanuman Chowdary, PhD
  • Sri Siva Kalyana Bharathi (Guntur)
  • Sri R. Venkatanaryanan IAS
  • Dr. Ramakrishna Marella, (Gayatri Pariwar, AP)

We are awaiting reply from other prominent people.

Nehru Municipal High School Grounds, Tirupathi

This Maha Padaytra will continue through hundreds of villages and finally
reach Tirupathi on February 16, 2009. We will have huge rally with
invited guests from different organizations who are committed to free
the Hindu Temples from the clutches of government. You are all welcome
to attend the Public Forum being planned in Tirupathi on February 16.
You support to preserve and protect our Hindu Temples and Hindu culture
is appreciated.

We want recognize all the Hindus who came from foreign countries.
Please call me if you are planning to attend. Cell # 99630 36024

Budget for each District in Rupees

Mahapada Yatra 2 started on August 16, and will conclude on
February 16, 2009. The break down of the expenses is given below. Please
be generous.

Mahapada Yatra. ..2
Banners each district 1000 100,000-00
Pamphlets Each district 100000 25,000.00
Wall posters 5000 20,000-00
Saffran flags + Kanduvas (Shawls) 5000 50,000-00
Torams & dollers 100000 25,000-00
Radham Maintenance (desiel+driver+
2000km+ 25,000-00
Stickers 50000 50,000-00
Sri Venkateswara Swamy Photos
small size
20000 20,000-00
Press overage   50,000-00
District wise programs & karyakartas
Total for each District Rs.   400,000-00
Approximately   ($10,000)
For all 11 (eleven) districts, the proposed budget is $100,000


We are expecting around 30,000 –
35,000 people to participate in the Public Forum in Tirupathi on February
16, 2009. For over night accommodation and two meals for all of the attendees,
stage set up, decoration, sound system and other local arrangements would
cost about $50,000.
Your generous donations to complete the
Maha Pada Yatra to awaken the Hindus about the plight of Hindu Temples
and the impending danger of illegal conversion techniques are essential.
We are requesting all the individuals and organizations to support financially
to continue our movement to free Hindu Temples from the government control
and stop these conversions.

NOTE: We just received non-profit organizational status on August
29, 2008. That means we are exempt from federal income tax under section
501 ( c ) 3 of the Internal Revenue code. Our tax ID # 41-2258630

Please send your tax deductible donations to:

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation, 548 Silverstone Drive, Madison MS 39110

You can go to
and pay by PAYPAL

For more information:,

V. V. Prakasa Rao, PhD, 601-918-7111 (cell), 601-856-4783 (home) / Prasad
Yalamanchi, 630-832-2665; 630-359-5041 / D. Satya732-939-2060 / Vinay
248-842-6964 /Srinivas Murthy 212-538-8716 / Dr. K. R. Venkatramaiah (Canada)
416-925-8167. Nemana Satya 732-762-7104, Sekhar Reddy 954-895-1947, Tulasi
Tummala 408-786-8357, Raju Polavaram 919-959-6141

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