Madhava Nethra Nidhi to be launched on January 22nd

via RSS - Bhagyanagar published on January 18, 2007

Manonetra, a project of Seva Bharathi affiliated to Akhil Bharatheeya Drishtiheen Kalyan Sangh for rehabilitation of Blind and Prevention of Blindness will lunch MADHAVA NETHRA NIDHI, an Eye Bank in memory of Second RSS Sarsanghchalak Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkarji, on 22nd January 2007 at Pushpagiri Vitreo Retina Institute, Secunderabad


Sri Ram Bhau Haldekarji RSS Kshetra Karyakarini Sadasy will light the lamp and Sri. M. Pradeepkumar, Manonetra, west AP Convener will preside over the function. Smt Lalitha Raghuram, Country Director, India, Operation Eyesight Universal Will speak on Eye and Organ donation.


Shri. Avinashji Sangwai General Secretary, Akhil Bharatheeya Drishtiheen Kalyan Sangh will address the gathering.

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