Madanlal Dhingra’s last pronouncement

published on August 26, 2010

The young man, facing the death row was in a London prison. A wiry youngster had come to meet him. They were on the two sides of the bars of the cell. The face of the man inside was lit up with a smile. The man outside had his eyes full of tears.
ËœI have come to have your Darshan. Can I do anything for you?
ËœCan you please lend me a comb? I do not want to look disheveled when I kiss my bride of death to-morrow
The young man facing death was Madanlal Dhingra who had shot dead Curzon Wyllie, the notorious officer in charge of awarding inhuman and cruel punishments to Indian freedom fighters.The man who had come calling was Veer Savarkar, the Lion among our Freedom Fighters.
Dhingra shot Wyllie when he had come to attend a meeting organized by the loyal Indian subjects of ËœHis majesty the king of Englandat the India Imperial Centre in London on July 1, 1909.
He could have easily escaped. But he remained calm till the police arrived. He was hanged at 9am on 17th August 1909. 

His last pronouncement titled ËœThe Challenge reached Sardar Singh Rana in Paris.
                                                     The Challenge                                        
ËœI do not intend to seek mercy. You have no right over me. As Germany cannot rule England, England cannot rule Bharat. I do agree that I was responsible for spilling English blood. With humility I say that it was to avenge the inhuman and unjust punishments of death, transportation for life etc being awarded to my patriotic brothers. I only did my duty and I did not conspire with anyone.
In this I have been guided solely by my conscience. I consider that a nation which is subjugated under the threat of bayonets is permanently at war. War is not possible for a Nation which is denied its weapons .Hence I had to make surprise attack. We were denied combat rifles; so I had to use a revolver.
As a Hindu I consider that the humiliation meted out to my Nation is a humiliation to my Gods. Service to my Motherland is service to Sri Rama. Service to her is service to Sri Krishna. What better offering a son, who is weak in body and mind can make to his Mother? Hence I offered my blood at her altar.
This war of liberation between Bharat and England will continue. It will continue till this unnatural arrangement between two different races of English and Hindus continues; it will continue as long as these two races continue to exist.
My only prayer to God is this : that for the sake of my Motherland I should again be born to her; and embrace death once again in the same sacred task. Let me be born again and again and die again and again till she becomes free to shower her boons on the entire humanity and to announce to the world the greatness of God. Today the only lesson that has to be learnt by my nation is to know how to accept death for the sake of the Motherland. The only way to teach that is for ourselves to take that path. Hence I accept death. I shine forth in that ËœPrana Tyaga

Vande Mataram.

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