Liberhan Commission report supports the case of Sri Ram Temple – Swamy

published on December 12, 2009

Govt. should file affidavit in SC: Swamy.

December 11, 2009.

Statement of Dr. Subramanian Swamy, President of the Janata Party.

      The Report of the Liberhan Commission of Inquiry, unwittingly and ironically, supports the VHP’s case for a Ram temple in Ayodhya.  

      In Chapter 15 (Recommendations), Page 978, Para 176.5, the Commission states: “…..The question whether a structure was a temple or a mosque can only be answered by a scientific study by archaeologists, historians and anthropologists.” This is precisely the VHP’s stated position for the last 25 years.   

      The Allahabad High Court on VHP’s petition in the year 2002 got extensive investigation done at the disputed site through scientific GPR Survey and archaeological excavations. Vide orders, dated August 01, 2002 and October 23, 2002, the High Court Bench asked the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) to carry out Ground Penetrating Radar Survey/Geo-radiology Survey (GPR) of the disputed land, so as to ascertain possibility of proof of remnants of some earlier structure.  In compliance of these orders, the ASI, with the help of Tozo Vikas International Pvt. Ltd. undertook this exercise.

      The High Court thereafter suo moto passed a detailed order on March 05, 2003, issuing a commission to ASI to investigate into the matter by excavating the relevant area of the disputed land.  The ASI took about five months  in carrying out the excavation work and thereafter submitted a bulky report in two volumes together with 45 site notebooks, 12 albums containing 329 black & white photographs, 28 albums having coloured photographs, 11 video cassettes, 6 DVD cassettes, registers of pottery, unsealed bones, architectural objects stored in tin-shed at the excavated site, individual list of 9 boxes containing bones, glazed wares, antiquities, day-to-day registers, antiquity register etc., etc..  

      In this excavation report (Ayodhya 2002-03, Vol.1 text, Chapter-X, Summary of Results, Page Nos. 268-269, 270, 271 and 272), the ASI states in the last paragraph: “…….Now viewing in totality and taking into account the  archaeological evidence of a massive structure just below the disputed structure and evidence of continuity in structural phases from 10th Century onwards up to the construction of the disputed structure along with the yield of stone and decorated bricks as well as mutilated sculpture of divine couple and carved architectural  members including foliage patterns, Amlaka, Kapotapali, Door Jamb, and semi-circular plaster, broken  octagonal shaft of black schist pillar, lotus motif, circular shrine having Pranala (water chute) in the North, 50 pillar bases in association of a hue structure, are indicative of remains which are distinctive features found associated with the temples of North India.”

      Other observations of the Liberhan Commission too support the VHP case for a Rama temple at the disputed site:  

In Chapter No.2 (Ayodhya & its Geography) page No. 23 the Liberhan Report says:

Para 9.1: “Ayodhya is accepted in popular Hindu tradition as the birthplace of the Hindu God Rama and is therefore regarded as a holy and historical city.”

Para 9.2: “Ancient Ayodhya was traditionally the epitome of Hindu life, culture and a paradigm of coexistence of a multi-religious society. It was a peaceful place with a regular influx of visitors pilgrims, Sadhus and Sants, monks,  travelers, tourists.”

9.3: “Ayodhya was also known variously as Vishala, Khosla (sic) or Maha Khosla, Ikshvaku, Ram Puri, Ram Janam Bhoomi.

9.4: “Ayodhya is of special and specific importance for the sect of Ram believers or those loosely term as the Ramanandis in Hindu Religion. The place was the place of unequaled pilgrimage for Hindus, Monks, travelers, pilgrims, sadhus & sants irrespective of their region & faith.”

9.5: “This place had become emotive issue owing to its position as the birth place of Ram, a theme present in every facet of the culture, connecting the past with the present & the future, this religious fervour had kept the town for centuries alive after successive rulers had gone by”.

Page 25, Para-10.3: “On the East of Ayodhya is Faizabad town with a population of about 2,10,000. It has large number of temples mostly dedicated to the Hindu God Vishnu.”

Page 26, Para-10.10: “The town is currently inhibited (sic) (means inhabited!) with a multi-religious population consisting of Muslims, Buddhist, Sikhs, Christians, Jains, etc., but the majority of the population is Hindu. The temples were open to public of all denominations.”

Page 29, Para 12.1: “There are large numbers of temples, mosques, shrines, tombs, gardens and other religious monuments spread over a large area: rather, metaphorically it is said that in Ayodhya every house is a temple.”

Page 29, Para 12.2: “Prominent temples were Sankat Mochan Mandir, Shakti Gopal Mandir, Shesh Avatar temple, Ved Mandir, Maniram Ki Chawni, Hanuman Garhi, Pr3eethi Ke Thakur, Kanak Bhawan, Rang Mahal, Anand Bhawan, and Kaushalya Bhavan…….”  

Paga 32, Para 12.12: “The topography and facts about Ram Katha Kunj, Ayodhya town or the Ram Janambhoomi complex or Ram Katha Kunj or the disputed structure are however not disputed. The facts are corroborated by NC Padhi in his statement with no contradiction.”

      Hence, since the Union Government has accepted the Liberhan Commission Report and this Report, read with the Supreme Court’s 1994 Constitutional Bench judgment in the Farooqui case, that a mosque is not an essential part of Islam but a facilitation center for reading of namaz, hence any government can acquire any mosque for a public purpose and even demolish it,

       I demand therefore the Government file an affidavit in the Supreme Court declaring that it will acquire the disputed area in Ayodhya and hand it over to the sants and sadhus associated with the VHP enable Hindus to organize a Rama temple restoration at the original birth site of Lord Rama.



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