Let Ananda Bose answer this first before steping in with his International team

via Courtesy: M.N.S.Nampoothiripad published on July 6, 2011

Where is Mahatma Gandhi’s spectacle entrusted to the museum?

Where is the famous Keerthi Mudra of Rabeendranatha Tagore entrusted to the Kolkkatha museum?

Where is the valuable “Pattum Valayum” presented to the famous malayalam poet Kumaran Asan to the archeological museum?

Ancient Copper Plates and Palanquin related to Pazhassi Raja were missing from Calicut University Museum. Palanquin was later recovered from a near by bush and one of that Copper plate is now in London Museum!

Do we want to entrust the valuables belonging to Sreepadmanabha to the looting brigade?

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