Leftist Concern over Defence Budgetary Allocations

published on April 28, 2008

Film Actor Mamooty a known leftist sympathiser criticised India’s
Budgetary Defence allocation while taking in part of Adwaniji’s autobiography

He told “India
is spending 60 per cent of its budget for military purposes”



Comment by Avinash

The Left
parties are always against allocating funds for the defence. Today as a
response to Mr.Advani’s statement the left has made it clear that they are
against India
doing any nuclear test in the future. They had opposed our previous tests too. But
they came out strongly in support for Iran’s right to conduct nuclear
test. It is double standards.

Now they are making all available forums to say that India’s defence allocation is too

“From a global perspective, India’s latest defence budget, estimated at
roughly US$26.5 billion at the current market exchange rate, constitutes a mere
2 per cent of the total world military expenditure.

While the US,
with a military budget of more than US$700 billion, remains the world’s largest
military spender, it has devoted over four per cent of GDP to defence, which
sets the yardstick for ‘affordable defence’ by other countries.

Against this
yardstick, Pakistan spends
around 5 per cent of its GDP on defence, and China spends nearly 7 per cent. In
contrast, India’s
defence budget is only 1.99 per cent of the expected GDP for the coming Fiscal

” The 10% extra
allocation made this year was mainly to modernise out dated equipments and

The Left parties never uttered a single word against exorbitant defence
spending by Pakistan or China. The
defence allocation for this fiscal year accounts for only 14 percentage of the
government’s total spending which is far too less compared to many countries. I
dont know from where Mammotty got this figure.

Since it has come from the mouth of a superstar, many people in Kerala will
believe it as true. Will somebody correct this?

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