Lack of Good Governance has pushed the country deep into CORRUPTION!!!

via Naveen - published on November 1, 2010

Lack of Good Governance has pushed the country deep into CORRUPTION!!!
The speed at which we see new corruption cases coming out in the open courtesy our media is quite alarming and at the same time very worrying.

What is alarming is that no facet of governance is spared by corruption. Almost all departments,states,union territories,establishments,arts,culture,sports and the list is just endless. Everything that happens around one self is shrouded by corruption today. Even though the 24/7 media has changed many things in our country,what has not changed is corruption which seems to be growing at an alarming pace.

The Worrying factor per me is that the top most person of the department/establishment/state or the country is involved in it. Isn’t this because of bad governance vis a via bad politics in the country. If the top man who has to lead the department/establishment himself is corrupt how can we expect good governance and better life for people.

The latest scam of Adharsh Housing has the Chief Minister of Maharshtra and the chiefs of Navy and Army involved. They have taken undue advantage of their positions and made profitable deals for self and their families. How can we trust and live peacefully when the men who are responsible for our safety and administration are busy making money through illegal means? We the people and tax payers of this country make sure their lives and their families are taken care of so that they work for our needs and comforts. Instead these guys enjoy the facilities and powers given to them by the people/tax payers to make wealth for them and their families.

Every political party is also equally responsible for this mess the country is in. Look at any case in the country where the politicians have been found guilty but are never convicted because of corrupted political system in this country. Today when the media breaks out a CWG scam or a Adharsh Housing scam the politicians and the political parties take moral stands in all TV debates by crucifying the person involved. What the hell were these politicians/parties doing when these scrupulous scamsters were indulging in these illegal activities. If they were responsible enough they could have ensured that these scams never happened. But behind the curtains all the politicians barring a few individuals in all parties have failed the country miserably.

Many friends and Twitter folks know that i am a sympathizer of the BJP. But that does not mean i dont question them when something like these happen in the country. For example in the Adharsh Housing scam, The news was first brought to light by Indian express way back in 2003 and subsequently after a few articles it went silent. Then again Journalist Samar Harlankar and a few more consistantly reported this but the BJP/SS the main opposition could not do anything at all. What is more surprising is the BJP-sena lost elections again to Cong-NCP in spite of such a big scam involving the CM of the state. This shows that an ineefective opposition is also equally responsible for this mess. Thats why i say all political parties and their political leaders have failed miserably.

The Karnataka assembly drama witnessed one of the most bizzare aspects of power politics in our country. The MLA’s who were voted in good faith by the people have sold their integrity and faith of the people for monetary benefits. 11MLA’s of the ruling BJP and 5 independents who were supporting the BJP govt were purchased by the Congress-JDU leaders for a mere rs25-35crores so as to derail the BJP govt. This shows that for the sake of power the parties are willing to go any distance in fact sell themselves. What is the difference between these kind of MLA’s / politicians and the prostitutes. There is a difference, the prostitute sells her body to make a living and the politicians sell themselves for illegal gains and power. Dont you think a prostitute is trust worthy than these kind of leaders who get elected by we the Idiotic people?

The CWG mess is a classical example of arrogantly the Government of the day gave scope to its own people to completely loot the country with bogus deals and purchases all at the tax payers cost and money. Again this was facilitated by an ineffective opposition. The Congress party has ruled the country for almost 50 years and the rest 13 years were ruled by different parties. If we just look at the list of corruption charges and scams in the last 63 years since Independence it just shows that we have gone from bad to worse to now Worrying proportions. The governments of the day are abusing power at will. The agencies like CBI,Election commission have lost their credibility. Nothing in this country seems to be people centric anymore. Its all politics and unfortunately bad politics.

The current Prime Minister Mr.Manmohan Singh is a man of integrity and Honesty. But he has a person like Telcom Minister Raja who is not only accused of siphoning crores of rupees but also has cost the exchequer a loss of 60000crores by allotting the 2g spectrum at a throw away price. The supreme court questions the credibility of CBI which is investigating the case. What can CBI do when the GOI has asked it go slow on the investigation because of political compulsions. Now tell what use is the Integrity and Honesty of our PM when he cannot sack an errant member of his cabinet. He has an inefficient Agriculture & Public distribution Minister Pawar who again has been very inefficient and shoddy but PM can do nothing and has to keep him in his cabinet because of Political compulsions. And in spite of all this the govt continues to thrive because of lack of opposition.

Saw something very refreshing i saw on TV in the midst of all this scams and corruption at high places. There was programme on CNNIBN channel called “The Real Heroes”. In this the channel along with their sponsors have recognized the hard efforts of a few young Indians who made difference to the people and society they live in. One of winner or rather the heroes was a social activist named Akhil Gogoi from Assam. During his speech he said he was not afraid of any politician and even the PM to approach for any work or with a petition. He went on to say today i know only giving to PM will not work, I have to give to Sonia G and also Rahul G too. This speaks volumes and i guess i do not need to elaborate any further on our PM.

The above are just a couple of examples to make my case of how a bad or lack of Governance leads to Corruption. Can a country like India with more than 40%BPL population afford this? How do we overcome this? I guess these and many more questions need answer not only to me but all concerned people of our country…….

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