Kudangulam Reactor and Fakushimo-Comparing Apples with Oranges is not science but Marxist Church alarmism

via Aron published on October 8, 2011

The connection between Japan and all other Nuclear Power Plants is sheer absurdity.
It is like banning Air Flight because some aircrafts do meet with accidents.

We can apply this alarmism to every technology and scientific device and return to the Dark Ages.

When we see the two main sponsors of this agitation to scuttle the Gudangulam Nuclear Power Generation project and its expansion- it is clear such Obsolete medievalists and unscientific minds at work behind ignorant and semi-literate crowds and its mobilises.

Marxian leftists- who would like to see Communist China overtake India in Development and weaken its Nuclear capability and Economic stride- so we can be subordinated to communist regime’s hegemony.,

Christian evangelists who would like to strengthen their hold on masses and emerge as a Political Force capitalising on whatever issues within its strong holds- the fishermen, bourgeoisie and peasants of that region.

Both Marxists and Christian fronts are anachronistic and anti-science.

Japan earthquake surpassed the technological safety measures at Kaido quake.
It was one of the worst and highest in magnitude and the Tsunami the largest tidal wave.

Building so many Nuclear Stations in a sisemologically active zone was a suicidal risk taking.

Japan’s over confidence punished this imprudence.

They not only built Reactors in such historically active quake zones, but also on the direct line of known Tsunami wave in past- the Fakushimo lies directly in line of the mightier quakes before just decades ago.

To think that Japan’s mistakes and blunders were due to choice of Nuclear Reactor power generation itself is to display imbecility- like getting phobic about skyscrapers and tall buildings because Twin Towers collapsed.

The Twin Towers collapsed not because they were faulty and dangerous.

They crashed because of Intelligence failures and repeated ignoring of intelligence many inputs of an impending attack using airplanes.

People are free to make choices- including grave blunders.
If they choose to follow such unscientific guides- Religions and outdated political outfits like leftists.

But they must make a choice looking at well informed opinion.

1.Koodangulam is not in any seismically unstable or historically active quake zone. It is least active seismically active zones on earth.

2. Japan is historically and most active earthquake zone.

3.Nuclear Reactors generate Power and fuel local and national economic growth.

4.They generate jobs and boost real estate values.

4.Infrastructure like Roads access and Educational enterprises.

5.Safety measures at our Nuclear Reactors do not have no previous instance of any Break downs.

6.Indian Nuclear facilities have run without any major disasters or even mishaps that have happened even in more advanced countries like America, Canada, Russia and Europe.

7.Their international and environmental monitoring so far has not reported any leaks or environmental pollution.

Sea food and agricultural produce like poultry can be closely monitored if any such apprehension is warranted without scrapping the Project.

Only upon proving ideas can one be scientific.

But Marxists who call themselves scientific Socialists are the least scientific in that their alarmist ideas are demanded to be accepted to create panic- without a shred of proofs against any of the above mentioned facts .

Therefore the people need to be informed about sloganeers and political careerists first.
More than that they must be confronted with the unscientific ideas and irrational phobias that make them tools in those who want to stunt their Growth- economic and in case of Chinese stooges- military capacity to be weakened against nuclear armed China and Pakistan.
The Religious lobby wants to retain the poverty stricken communities dependable on their charities and dictation of political directives.

If Fishermen grow economically they fear the loosening of the hold of Churches that promote medieval ignorance and myths of Babylonian tales- that are favourable to drive them like hordes in any direction church masters want.

Marxists love unemployment and poverty and fear that number going down drastically would reduce their bases.

So we appeal to the people to open their eyes and make wise decisions and not get manipulated by these two Imperial agents- one of the west and the other China- one seeking erosion of India’s Nuclear defence potential; and the other its economic empowerment.
Both need people living in medieval and unscientific environments that breeds unemployment, poverty, illiteracy, ignorance and dependence.

Therefore defeat these two agencies of imperialism that hate progress and development.
Educate the people about the manipulation by anti-national and antiscientific forces.

Let us read this informed analysis now-
Why Kudankulam plant is safe, and good for us
MR Srinivasan | Friday, October 7, 2011


For the last few weeks, villagers have been fasting near the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Station. The power station consists of two reactor units, each with a generating capacity of 1,000 megawatts. The first unit is ready for fuel loading and can be started up in the next three months or so. However, the agitation has interrupted start up.

The Fukushima, Japan, accident in March has alerted all organisations concerned with nuclear energy development. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh promptly ordered a review of the safety status of India’s nuclear power units, both in operation and construction.

The reviews have shown that the kind of situation that developed in Japan is not likely to occur in our installations due to adoption of conservative design features and above all, the absence of the severe intensity earthquake that shook Japan. The Japanese earthquake was one thousand times stronger than the Sikkim earthquake, which is one of the most severe earthquakes that struck India.

As a result of the Nuclear Power Corporation of India and Atomic Energy Regulatory Board reviews, certain additional design features are being implemented in our nuclear installations. One is providing adequate capacity portable air-cooled diesel generator sets to supply power to essential services. Another is ensuring that adequate fresh water is available at the site for ensuring cooling of the nuclear fuel.

In June, the International Atomic Energy Agency held a ministerial level meeting to review the situation arising from the Fukushima accident, where it was agreed to carry out ‘stress tests’ of existing units to assess the design margins available to cope with extreme events of very low probability.

The Kudankulam nuclear power units belong to the third generation of design evolution, whereas the Fukushima reactors belong to the first generation design. Specifically for the purpose of cooling the nuclear fuel, when the reactor is shut down, there are four independent systems, each with its own diesel generator set (8MW), pumps and heat exchangers.
Normally one such system is adequate. Providing four systems ensures that even if there is a malfunction in one or two systems, at least one system is available. Moreover, the level of the diesel generator, its switch gear and controls are several metres higher than the highest tsunami or flood level that can be expected at Kudankulam.

The plant also has various other special features, like the ‘core catcher’. In the event of an extreme accident were the molten nuclear fuel to breach the reactor pressure vessel, it falls on to a matrix containing a large amount of neutron absorbing substances (like boron). On mixing with this material, the nuclear fuel is rendered incapable of starting a nuclear chain reaction. Only the latest design of nuclear power units provide for this safety backup system.
In May, Prof AE Mutthunayagan, former secretary, Department of Ocean Development (who hails from a village near Kudankulam) and I reviewed the safety of the Kudankulam installation from the point of view of tsunamis and flood hazards.

We went over the levels adopted for various plant equipment and were satisfied that they were well above any possible tsunami or flood level that can be anticipated at this site. We also noted that Kudankulam is well connected to the southern grid, which is fed by a number of thermal and hydroelectric power stations in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. We were impressed with many of the other safety features of the design.

Some weeks before to the September agitation, a rumour was spread in the neighbouring villages that the Department of Atomic Energy was likely to evacuate people living there and acquire their lands. The DAE has no plans to acquire any land beyond what it already possesses. In fact even for the additional units that may come up at this site, the department has in its possession adequate extent of land.

Many people living in the neighbourhood are engaged in fishing activities. They fear fishing may be affected. But we have Kalpak am and Tarapur, where fishing goes on normally without hindrance. One has only to see Kalpakkam and Tarapur to understand how the increasing activities there have improved the quality of life and standard of living of people living in the neighbourhood. The children from these villages go to better schools and medical facilities which have come up are improving the health of the community.

Some who oppose nuclear energy on principle say ‘let us use solar and wind energy’. At present solar energy costs about Rs20/kWh, wind energy may cost Rs10/kWh and is available only for about 20 or 25% of the time when wind blows.

Our nuclear power stations sell energy at Re1/kWh at Tarapur, Rs3/kWh at Kaiga and the newer units. Power from Kudankulam will cost well below Rs3/kWh. The two units of Kudankulam will supply about 1000 MW to Tamil Nadu, without the hassle of getting coal from Orissa or overseas.

It is therefore in the interest of the people of Tamil Nadu to let the Kudankulam units to be put into operation at the earliest. The safety record of the NPCIL and DAE is very good and they can be trusted not to sacrifice the safety of the people living in and around Kudankulam.

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