Koodankulam project – Nationalist Uprise against Anti National Catholic Movement

via Aron published on November 8, 2011

Scientifically well informed sections,  Social groups cutting across divides, and even natiolanist Christians have started coming out in support of Power starved and growth stunted Tamilandu’s much needed and politically scuttled Koodangulam Reactor project.

Notable was the Catholic special correspondent of Dinamalar who had met the Arch Bishop and submitted his findings of how Anti Koodangulam movement runs its show-
Free meals –Briyani, Two wheelers and transportation and Rs 500 for those volunteering from Christian dominated South at Kanyakumari complains this sincere reporter-  to stage a fake anti-nuclear agitation at Koodangulam.

In a commendable act of patriotism Sathyaseelan himself a Catholic and a senior journalist had informed the Bishop office that Catholic Priests are outstaying their religious sphere into anti-national politics and indulging in active promotion of unscientific views and are providing funds and sermons inducing the ill informed laity and especially creating unscientific rumours among the Fishermen communities.

In his special report he also tells how catholic priests are inciting the mobilised mobs to stone the scientists from entering and conducting even their routine safety maintenance that has already warned could lead to malfunction and jeopardise safety.He also appealed the unbiased and scientifically updates Pro-Nuclear Power groups to be accorded a hearing on this matter and not get carried away by Foreigner sponsored malicious propagandists.


In a heartening show of Social solidarity and national spirit, an all communities’ conference held where disparate community leaders in one voice called spade a spade- that opposing Indian Nuclear Power capacities are Traitors and must be booked.
All community Meet in support of Tamilnadu’s Power plant at koodngulam was held at Tri cee Residency Hotel at Chennai titled “Secure Nuclear Power generation- the need of the Hour for the Nation”.


Jayapalji the leader of kshatriya Nadars stressed the need to scale up Power generation at war footing.

“The opposition to this nuclear plant comes from those who who do not care for Nation’s Growth. Since this an attempt on foreign powers jealous of India’s economic growth, we condemn this movement and outfits and the National Security Act to be deployed without hesitation against them as saboteurs.

The Central and State governments must allow the experts to be heard and their assurances made to reach the misguided public.Resolution condemning barricade of former President Abdul Kalam. A strong condemnation against the Anti-Nuclear agitators physically barring the entry into the site of Abdul kalamji who himself being an
eminent Scientist was passed uproariously.

We also take note of one reader at a daily state- ‘we will never condone any insult to Abdul Kalam as a Tamilian’.

All India Muvendar Front’s Sethuraman-

“ They are not making a nuclear bomb at the Reactor. They are making Electricity. We are doctors and we need nuclear Isotopes for treatment of Cancer –which is prohibitively expensive and at present needs imports and at mercy of foreigners. Our students also need to specialise in Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine. There is an invisible hand of vested foreign powers in this unscientific opposition to Reactor. They are getting money from somewhere”.

Yadhavar Peravai’s Kanthaiahji-

“I belong to Nellore. Some media and political outfits have started on a warpath to Koodangulam. I ask the people this question- Why is this anti-nuclear movement allowing only politicians with divide and rule mentality and stopping scientists and Experts from voicing science?”

What is the mystery behind not having eminent Scientists or Doctors in their Team “?
The Chief Minister Selvi Jayalalitha is known for her bold decisions and she must exercise the will of scientific community- she must take a majestic decision.

Tamilnadu Brahmin Associtaion- General secraraty Narayananji spoke-

“ We Indians must resort to Logical conclusions and not Emotional noensense and anti-science. Behind this Opposition there seems clearly some Foreign Conspiracy”

Vannyar Sangh’s C N Ramamurthy

“ They have started a Nuclear reactor. Now we must stop this- “-people mustn’t talk ignorantly like this. Our relations with other countries will get affected as well if we behave like this. Indian scientists are the best among world scientists. We stay close in that area among those scientists and their families. Just wonder this- If there is cause for concern for Radiation- will these Russian and Indian scientists decide to permanently stay there and serve the reactor with their kids? “

Parayar peravai leader Krishna Parayanrji-

“ Indian science and technology has evolved and advanced fast.Therefore this Nuclear Phobia is a Maya. Propaganda. If they think they can spread panic and spread rumours against Indian scientists, then our Peravai will launch state wide Pro-Reactor agitation “amidst applause.

Mayilai Sukumar

‘The so called anti-Reactor agitation is staged with paid and bought crowds. We know Sea shores of India are rich in thorium and some super rich Thorium Sand quarry traders in black market are behind this attempt to stifle our own Reactor.”

Indian Democratic Party’s Rajanji

“The Japanese Fakushimo Reactor is based on old Technology. What we have built at koodangulam is 3rd Generation Reactor with advanced safety technologies in place. It is a white lie that Cancer spreads in the vicinity of Nuclear reactors- studies have disproved them.” Former Nuclear reactor Official Rajanji

“I have worked and lived at many Nuclear reactors. To tell the truth level of Radiation exposure at vicinity of Reactor are lesser than normal devices we use- such as Cell Phones and Laptaps and X-ray machines. I fact these have much higher levels of Radiation. So we ask- will the anti-nuclear agitators then be asking people to
throw away cell phones laptops and refuse to take X rays?

There is no scientific basis to all their agreements and panic. Those who spread such unscientific lies and Rumours at service of foreign powers must be chucked out of the country.

Report- courtesy Dinamalar 3-11-2011

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