‘Know Nothing’ Prime Minister – (Poem)

published on May 17, 2010

We have a ‘powerless’ Prime Minister
Who often declares
I know nothing about Spectrum Scam,
I do nothing about Spectrum Scam,
I do not know that I do nothing,
I do not want to know,
That I Know Nothing and Do Nothing,
I do not want to know,
That I do not want to do what I am not doing.

Why should I know anything,
When my supreme ‘Secular’ leader,
Omnipotent Omnipresent Omniscient,
Mother Superior Super Star
Anoints everything,
Announces everything,
Applauds everything,
Approves everything,
Knows everything,
Detects everything,
Directs everything ,
Does everything.
For you and me and all
Is she not EVERYTHING?
Pleads the Prime Minion Blue Turban.

Penned by V Sundaram IAS , in his Article deploring the silence of Prime Minister in Spectrum Scandal.

To Read the Full article Click Here

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