Know More About Hindu Munnani in Tamilnadu
Hindu Munnani was formed in the year 1980 with an aim to counter and defeat the anti-hindu propaganda, prevent religious conversions and to propagate the glory ofour Hindu religion and culture. Outstanding hard work by the cadres of Hindu Munnani, the false propaganda of rationalists, the religious conversions are being stopped and prevented by all democratic means and ways.
 The Districts of Coimbatore and Trichy once had been citadel of communism. With sustained campaign, the leftist citadel was dented, and now the Nationalist Hindu Renaissance is bringing changes in mind set of the people. Nationalism has taken firm roots once again. Tamilnadu had witnessed the breaking of Vinayaka idols, by the Rationalists for their own selfish political propaganda, Hindu Munnani has successfully stopped and prevented the trend, now Tamilnadu is witnessing a huge turn outs in Vinayaka chathurthi celebrations with participation of all section of people irrespective of caste or social status.
 Today the youth of Tamilnadu is attracted by the Nationalist Hindutva ideology, for this a large number of youths have laid their lives falling to swords of anti national elements.The blood shed by these patriotic souls will never go waste. Today Hindu Munnani has established itself as sole organization for fighting Hindu rights and causes.
 The land of Alwars and Nayanamars Tamizhagam is once again witnessing the spiritual renaissance.
Objective / Appeal / Request :

The properties of Church are with Christians, the properties of mosque are with Muslims but Hindu temples are administered by the State. The Government should quit from Temples.
All Temples should be handed over to an Independent board consisting of devout Hindus who have faith in our religion and traditions which will administer the temples .The Government should quit from administrating Hindu Temples.
Common Civil Code for all citizens of India.
Family Planning should be made compulsory to all religion.
Anti-Conversion law should be enacted to contain forcible and induced conversion throughout India.
Cow slaughter should be banned.
Ayodhya, Kasi and Mathura temples should be liberated and handed over to Hindus completely.
Article 370 giving special status to Kashmir should be abrogated.
Moral science should be made compulsory for students to make them good citizens.
Stop treating Hindus as second class citizens in our own land.

Hindu Munnani has stubbornly resisted and fought against anti Hindu forces.
Wherever there is an assault on Hindu belief and faith, Hindu Munnani has been in fore front in opposing and stopping it.
Hindu Munnani has opposed the fraudulent religious conversions in hundreds of villages, towns, and stopped it.
For more than 400 years the Vellore fort temple complex, has been a fort without a king, and, a temple without a god, the Hindu Munnani installed the Shiva linga and now the Jalakanteshwara Temple is worshipped by everyone.
When Meenakshipuram name was changed to Rahamathpuram and an attempt was made to convert more than one lakh Harijans, this attempted conversion with funds from oil rich Islamic countries was stopped.
Attempted name change of Kanyakumari district to Kannimary district was also stopped by Hindu Munnani.
Proposed commissioning of cow slaughter and beef export house at Pollachi – Ganapathipayalam with state government financial participation was prevented from being implemented.
Temple is social renaissance center, for that our ancestors have donated large lands for their upkeep and maintenance, in number of places these lands have been encroached upon, Tirupur (4 Crores), Vadapalani(10 Crores), Thiruvannamalai (2 Crores), Dharmapuri (9.5 acres), Gopi Samathuvapuram (2.5 acres), like this in all taluks and districts Hindu Munnani had successfully retrieved the encroached lands and also continuously evicting the encroachments.
Huge Hindu awakening was made possible by conducting Hanuman Rath Yatra, undertaken throughout Tamilnadu culminating in a mammoth rally and a big Yaga at Danushkoti in the year 1996, in which over a lakh of people participated and more than a crore Rama Nama was chanted.
Hindu Munnani encourages people who converted to other religions to reconvert themselves to our mother religion.
Hindu Munnani was responsible in gathering people’s support for running the famous Thiruvarur Thyagaraja swami Temple Ratham, which was not maintained or running for several years.
In the village called Erumadu of Nilagiri District a Shiva temple land was used as burial ground, Hindu Munnani through court order retrieved it back to templeHindu Munnani is training “Dharmaveerargal†, dedicated individuals who will work for the Hindu society and culture, a separate training cultural training college was established for this purpose .
Bharatiyar Gurukulam was started for the underprivileged children, who had lost both parents to take care of them.
Cultural and Moral workshops, camps, etc, are being conducted in more than 150 villages for children to inculcate Hindu culture and traditions, also, train them to be good citizens of our motherland. We are trying to conduct this throughout Tamilnadu.
When the government renamed the district of Dindugal & Nagapattinam after Muslim League leader Quaide Millath, who supported the partition and formation of Pakistan, Hindu Munnani was instrumental in creating a strong public opinion and conducting massive campaigns at village level against the naming and was also successful in removing the name.

Hindu Munnani the voice and fighting force of Hindus.
Hindu Munnani always in forefront fighting for Hindu rights; it is like a sword for Hindus in protecting their honor. Hindu Munnani has been successful in exposing the pseudo secular politicians and anti hindu political parties, are exposed of their evil designs before the people .
Hindu Munnani has been leading the struggle against land grabbers of temple lands.It has successfully regained the temple lands from them and restored back to the temples.
Hindu Munnani is carrying sustained Anti-Conversion campaigns successfully.
Hindu Munnani is always vigilant against those who denigrate Hindu faith and values, bring them before law.
Sustained propaganda meetings, are being organized for creating Hindu awareness and Hindu unity.
Hindu Munnani is the only socio cultural organization in Tamilnadu uniting every Hindu from all castes, creed and strata of society irrespective of his / her social status
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