Killer Marines off to Italy to celeberate Christmas

published on December 20, 2012

New Delhi: Kerala High Court allowed four Italian Marines who killed Indian Fishermen to celebrate Christmas back in Italy!

Italian authorities have been pressuring India to release them since they were arrested. According to Italy , India have no right to try their sailors as according to them the incident happened in International waters.

Other day Italy summoned Indian ambassador to make sure a decision is made before Christmas, and current Court directive is in accordance with the Central Government stand . Since beginning Central Government was sympathetic to Italian cause but due to heavy protest from Kerala , UDF Govt. were forced to take a strong stand against the killers.

Italy earlier tried to circumvent Indian Judiciary through Catholic Church in Kerala to pressurize poor fishermen’s family to withdraw from the case in offer to money.
Hundred’s of Indian’s are languishing in many foreign jails , Can you imagine any of those countries releasing them to celebrate Diwali or Ramzan or Christmas back in India?   

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