KHNA Extends a helping hand to poor Hindu students

via Suresh Babu published on May 1, 2007


Kerala Hindus of North America has distributed the first fifty Scholarships to fifty poor Hindu students at Thiruvananthapuram on April 8, 2007. This is the first long-term project the Board of Trustees of Kerala Hindus of North America has undertaken. At a simple, but spiritually inspiring function at Samskrithi Bhavan, Bhaaratheeya Vicharakendram, Thiruvananthapuram the Scholarships were distributed by Her Highness Princess Aswathi Thirunal Gouri Lekshmi Bai, was Mr P. Parameswaran, Director of Bhaaratheeya Vicharakendram and The Chairman of Kerala Hindus of North America Mr Udayabhanu Panicker. Princess Aswathi Thirunal Gouri Lekshmi Bai did the inauguration and the keynote speacker on the occasion was Mr P. Parameswaran. The Chairman of Kerala Hindus of North America Mr Udayabhanu Panicker chaired the function.

The Princess Aswathi Thirunal during her inaugural address stated that the stress on the importance of human and spiritual values in education. She stated that our education system was based on human and spiritual values and now it has been changed to an educational system based on job opertunity only and thus stresses more on the importance of materialistic values. It gives very little importance to spiritual and human values. This has diminished the basic values of our culture in the mind of the younger generation. She stated that the education system must educate the young mind about the importance of the spiritual and human values and at the same time gives information on materialistic values also. Hindu society has withstood every challenges of life and Hindus must be proud of that she said. Better communication skills with in the family are very important and that must be a part of education she said.

Mr Panicker in his address stressed the need to follow the traditions of our ancient spiritual science and educational values. He reiterated his stand that our ancient spiritual science should not be degraded as a mere religion. He declared that this ancient spirituality of ours is like an Ocean filled with every kind of knowledge and wisdom to ward off every possible eventualities of human life and that must be thought to the children. He also stated that our spiritual science when learned properly would make every individual into an intellectual. He further stated that there is nothing in this world which can approximate our spiritual science for the attainment of the spiritual bliss which is the birthright of every life form and which is indicated and stressed throughout our spiritual science. “Our spiritual science is an ocean and the religions are all tiny pools of water made by children on the beaches where they play” Mr Panicker said. He requested the parents present at the function to stress this to their children. He also stressed the need of learning and practice of our spiritual science. He advised the children to learn them and put them into practice. He also stressed the need to practice of Dhyanam and other spiritual ways to enhance the values of life and the life itself. He reminded the audience to keep the spiritual ways of our ancestors the way of their life because there is nothing better than that.

Mr P. Parameswaran stated that along with knowledge wisdom and intellectual must be flourished and education system must bear this responsibility. But the present education system is mainly based on dry knowledge and that has to be changed. Our educational system, for generation was based on spiritual and materialistic values. But now it has been aimed only at the importance of materialistic values. It has to be changed to stress both spiritual and materialistic values Mr Parameswaran said.

The Princes, Mr Panicker and Mr Parameswaran distributed the scholarships to the children present. Mr Govindan Nair and family of California sponsored one of the scholarships in the name of his grand Father Mr Eravikurup who was a great supporter of NSS in it’s beginning stages. Mr Eravikurup was also a member of Sreemoolam Praja Sabha.

Mr Sree Kumar welcomed the students, parents and other dignitaries and Mr M. Gopal proposed vote of thanks.

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