Kashmiri Hindus observed Holocaust day

via Press Release published on January 20, 2012

# Panun Kashmir organised awareness campaign cum protest meeting on the eve of Holocaust day,January 19
# Kashmiri pandits reaffirm their resolve to continue the struggle for the Homeland in Kashmir
# Large number of KPs registered their protest by wearing black badges and ribbons

Panun Kashmir today organised an awareness cum protest meeting at the Sharda mandir,Ban Talab to sensitise the exiled Kashmiri Pandit community on the eve of the Holocaust Day,19 th January.It is the day on which the cleansing of the entire Kashmiri Pandits was unleashed
by the Islamic theo fascists,communalists and separatists. The meeting was attended by a large number of Kashmiri Pandit community.Prof. M.L.Koul, a well known community scholar revealed the background about the ethnic cleansing and genocide of the kashmiri Pandit
community .He said that ,” the holocaust witnessed by the Kashmiri Pandit community in 1989-90 was not an isolated process but it is a continuous process that reached to its peak in 1990 and the Indian state failed to protect the life and limb of the community.”

Highlighting the despondency and desperation present in the Indian political class an dits tendency to subvert the civilisational Indian state,eminent political scientist and scholar,Prof. M.K. Teng said that,”what have been witnessed by the Kashmiri Pandit community in
terms genocide and holocaust is athe worst form of ethnic cleansing faced by any community after the world war two.kashmiri pandit community is the victim of the conflict between the Indian state and the sanskrit Indian civilisation.kashmiri Pandit being the civilisational anchor of the Indian sanskrit civilisation has been the frontline victim of this conflict.The ethnic cleansing and genocide of the Kashmiri Pandits community can only be reversed only when this
conflict is resolved.”

Chairman,Panun Kashmir,Dr.Ajay Chrungoo while speaking on the occassion said that,”for the persecuted communities the great anchor is the memory and memory of holocaust is the shield that saves the communties from extinction when the war of attrition is being unleased
to exterminate the communities. January 19, holds the significance in this context as its meomory motivates us to struggle for the right to life and survival.The reversal of genocide and ethnic cleansing is possible only with the creation of separate homeland with the union
territory status in Kashmir”.

The Kashmiri pandit community assembled on the occassion reaffirmed their resolve to reclaim their ancestral homeland on their own terms in kashmir with the free flow of the Indian democracy and the sanskrit Indian nationhood

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