Kashmir is ours and nobody else shall have it

via GSK Menon published on June 25, 2008

The ruckus created by the Kashmiri Muslims over transfer of land to Amarnath Shrine has not elicited any response from our pseudo-secular gang. Listen to the TV reports, it states “angry Kashmiri youth”, “unrest in the valley” and such secular nonsensical reports. Had it been the Hindus who were agitating the reports would have read like this “Hindu communalists rampage over land deal to Muslim shrine” or “Saffron brigade kick up a storm ——–“

Why are these communal Muslims agitating ? It is not their grandfather’s property that is being transferred. One Muslim fellow was stating that “this will bring outsiders into the valley” Another fellow was stating ” They are welcome as pilgrims after that they can go back”. These kind of rubbish remarks need to be ruthlessly crushed. See how the Chinese behaved when the Olympic torch was being carried around. They never cared a damn for anybody’s opinion. The message was simple and straight – no compromise on their territorial issues. Now everybody is keeping quiet.

Contrast this with what our secular blokes are doing – bus service, begging with the militants, subsidised biriyani rice and all other kind of nonsense that anybody can think of. See the consequence of this policy – North East is in turmoil, Maharashtra, Punjab is slowly boiling, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Bihar, M.P. are in the grip of the naxals. Andhra is coming into the grip of the Naxals and Maoists. Will India remain if we are going to be ruled by secular cowards ?

The need is aggressive Hinduism , we need a Parashurama avtaar to exterminate fissiparous tendencies. To hell with the bloody Kashmiris, how they gobble up our subsidies, enjoy Kafir subsidised trips to Mecca and so many other freebies. If they become independent then we can see the real state of affairs.  For a land locked country there is no other means of survival. That is the story of countries like Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan etc.

Kashmir is ours and nobody else shall have it.

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