Karuna’s outdated Divisive Dravidian Rantings

via N Mohan published on August 7, 2015

Unemployed Karuna, has started his outdated dravidian, etc rantings without understanding the subject:

The word DRAVID was used by Adi Sankara, 2500 years back in his monumental work, SOUNDARYA LAHARI – In the 75th stanza – he calls himself DRAVIDA SISU, meaning, a boy from south.

Moore, the British historian wrote an article in TNIE that the word DRAVIDIAN was a British construct and has no racial connotation.

The Justice party supported the British. After, independence, the Justice party was named dravidar kazhagam, instead of TAMILAR KAZHAGAM, because most of the leaders were non-tamils and the leder was a kannadiga. To accommodate kannadiga EVR and other non-tamil leaders, justice party was named DRAVIDAR KAZHAGAM.

Karuna, called MGR a malayalee and hence, MGR cannot rule, tamilnadu. Immediately, Kuzhandeivelu, a Cabinet Minister in MGR cabinet, published the community certificate of Karuna, showing him to be a telegu. The certificate was published in the front page of leading newspapers. FROM THAT DAY ONWARDS, Karuna never called MGR, an outsider.

PMK Ramadoss once said that tamilnadu should be ruled by a tamilian only and said that Karuna’s family came to tamil nadu from AP, travelling in a train, ticketless.

The same Karuna once said that VAIKO is a telegu naidu and hence cannot become a CM of tamilnadu.POT CALLING THE KETTLE, BLACK.

Another leader said that VIJAYKANTH is a telegu naidu and not a tamilian.

The British missionary, CALDWELL sowed the seeds of divisive politics – dravidian, aryan, brahmin, non-brahmin, sanksrit tamil and north and south.

Caldwell’s A Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian or South-Indian family of languages was prescient in recognizing that Dravidian languages constitute a distinct language family, “Caldwell’s primary concern was to convert the south Indians to Christianity”[5] and at times the work deliberately ventures beyond the scope of linguistics to advance that goal

The Kazhagams, readily accepted the theory without knowing that Caldwell, called the dravidians SCYTHIANS and dravidians brought in the scythian languages. In short, the British said that both aryans and dravidians were outsiders. By harping on dravidian race, Karuna is telling that all people in tamilnadu, are outsiders. Can there be anything more shameful than this?

Why Karuna is hiding his telegu identity? He calls, himself a dravidian. Telegus also are dravidians, as per CALDWELL. Then, Karuna must tell the people of tamilnadu that he is a PROUD TELEGU DRAVIDIAN. His hiding the telegu identity, is a clear case of cheating tamils.

Nobody is imposing sanskrit on tamilians. In fact, nobody can select 100 people in tamilnadu, well versed in speaking, writing, reading and managing everything in sanskrit language. Then why this WOLF, WOLF, over sanskrit. SANSKRIT language never says HEY DRAVIDIANS, READ ME, READ ME. Karuna is playing cheap politics over sanskrit.

Kazhagams’ only success is against Brahmins. By anti-brahminism, many in kazhagams have built empires, to last for generations. Karuna successed in abusing Brahmins, because, Brahmins are physically weak, financially poor and politicallly zeroes. They cannnot retaliate.

Can you show me one instance where the kazhagams fought against the caste hindus like gounders, thevars, mudaliars, vanniars, etc, over the ill-treatment of ddalit?

Karuna must take a leaf out of great ABDUL KALAM and take Tamilnadu to great heights through love, patriotism and hard work. HE SHOULD NOT ENGAGE HIMSELF IN FISSIPAROUS TENDENCIES. HE IS NEARING A CENTURY AND HE MUST SHOW MATURITY TO THAT EXTENT.

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