Kandhamal – 66% of growth in Christian population

via HK published on October 26, 2008

Orissa: The Media and Anti Hindu Columnists who wrote pages against Hindu retaliation in Orissa after the murder of Swami Lakshmanananda , repeatedly tried to win the masses of naive Hindus by raising a point..


How Come less than 2 % Christians is perceived as a threat by 80% Hindus? Articles planted in International Media by the behest of Vatican also toyed similar lines.


This IANS report rebuff all those claims.


‘42,000 converted, only two followed law’


The Highlights


1) Between 1991 and 2001 there is 66% growth in Christian Population in Kandhmal  

as against 18.6 percent for the overall population growth in the district !



Of the 42,353 who adopted Christianity between 1991 and 2001, only two followed law to change religion.


3) No action is yet taken against those who violated the law


From 2001 to 2008 the Kandmal must have been declared a 100% Christian District as did in case of Mallapuram as Muslim district in Kerala, Thanks to selfless service of late Swami Lakshmanananda and Hindu organisations.


Swami Lakshmanananda was murdered because of his extraordinary influence in Tribal areas which instilled them self confidence and pride about their own culture.


Missionary wolves who dreamt of a 100% Christian Kandhmal was drawn back by Swamiji’s Tribal revivalism in the area. After the steep growth of about 20% in the district, Now Christians are reconverting back to their own religion.


Tribals now in Kandhamal are capable enough to withstand the thrust of Missionaries who killed their beloved swamiji by treachery.  

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