Kanchi Kamkoti Muth to address problems of displaced Kashmiri Pandits : Shankaracharya

published on November 2, 2010

Jammu: Expressing concern over the plight of displaced Kashmiri Pandits (KPs), Jayendra Saraswati Shankaracharya Swami of Kanchi Kamkoti Muth (KKM)  said here today that the organisation will take steps to help the community. Displaced KPs have been in pain for all these years and therefore KKM has decided to undertake some measures to address the problems of these people, the religious leader said during his fourth visit to the trouble-torn state.

A three-member panel of KKM would provide scholarships to needy and deserving students of the community, give financial assistance to the girls for marriages and widows of KPs, he said, adding an institute would be set-up where education would be imparted in Sanskrit and Vedic traditions. Earlier welcoming Shankaracharya, President All India Kashmiri Samaj Moti Koul appealed to the religious leader to make efforts in getting Kashmiri Hindus shrines and temples bill passed, presently tabled in the state Legislature, adding that vested elements repeatedly scuttled passing of this bill, thus putting impediment to community”s aspirations to return to the valley.

Shankaracharya said he would be returning to Tamil Nadu on November 2 after attending several other religious and social functions in the Jammu region.

Source : Press Trust of India.

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