Justice V.R Karishna Iyer endorses Narendra Modi as PM

published on September 24, 2013

I consider it my over-riding solemn public duty to forward to my friends and other citizens committed to the sacred cause of upholding the honour and dignity of Bharat Mata, the following appropriate and timely Statement issued by Justice V.R Krishna Iyer, who is probably the oldest living Judge in India. Secular seer, venerable and profound, Justice V.R Krishna Iyer has truly become the Bhishma Pitamah in India’s public life. As a public spirited person totally committed to the cause of upholding the glory and grandeur of Bharat Mata, Justice V.R Krishna Iyer has become a living legend in his life time. My reverential salutations to him!
Our great and ancient nation has been brought to the verge of total collapse and irretrievable ruin by the manoeuvres, machinations and manipulations of theFirangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi and her Congress Party of marauders, looters and carpetbaggers. We have a shameless and spineless Prime Minister, a corrupt, shameless and spineless Finance Minister. We have a listless and lifeless Home Minister. The rest of the Union Council of Ministers are in the abject thraldom of the Firangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi who controls the purse strings of the Sonia Congress Party — a Party which functions on a 24*7 basis for the survival of Pakistan and the total extinction of Bharat Varsha. In this desperate situation the only hope for our Country lies in throwing out the Sonia Congress Gang in the forthcoming 2014 Lok Sabha Elections. All of us should work together for ensuring the magnificent victory of BJP and its allies in the 2014 Lok Sabha Elections.
The Era of National Resurgence and National Renaissance would get inaugurated next year with Shri Narendra Modi becoming the Prime Minister of India and Dr Subramanian Swamy the Finance Minister.  Just as Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) fought the Nazi hordes, the Italian Fascists and their Jihadi(Turkestan/Albanian Muslim) Allies, Shri Narendra Modi is fighting a coalition of anti-Indian forces led by the Firangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi.
In this context, the following Vision of Resurgent India proclaimed by Mahadev Gobind Ranade (1842-1901) in 1898 comes to my mind:

“With buoyant hope, with liberated Manhood, with a faith that never shirks duty, with a sense of justice that deals fairly to all, with unclouded intellect and all her powers fully cultivated, and lastly, a love that overleaps all bounds, Renovated India will take her proper rank among the nations of the world, and be the Master of the Situation and of her own Destiny. This is the cherished home, this is the Promised Land. Happy are they who see it in distant vision; happier those who are permitted to work and clear the way onto it; and happiest those who live to see it with their own eyes and tread upon the holy soil once more.”
          I gather from the media that Shri. Narendra Modi, presently Chief Minister of Gujarat is declared to be a candidate of BJP for Prime Ministership of India. Without reference to his politics and as an independent myself, I wish him success since I am of the view that he has positive qualities of nationalism and comity of cosmic dimension.  I take the view that we should not have nuclear power in India. 

‘Nuclear never and Solar ever’ is my policy.  Japan, the victim of Tsunami of nuclear danger and earthquake has close down its last nuclear project according to the media report.  Narendra Modi stands for solar power.  No other State in India has developed solar power on a grand scale as Narendri Modi’s Gujarat has done.

 Mahatma Gandhi and the Constitution of India are against alcoholism which is a multiple evil and ruinous for the Indian people.  The only State which insists on prohibition and has put it into practice is Narendra Modi’s Gujarat. 

So far as I can gather corruption in public life has been eliminated in Gujarat.  As a man his integrity deserves great praise.  On the whole his administration deserves national support and so I wish him the rare opportunity to be the Prime Minister of India who will implement the great principle of swaraj and eradicate poverty.

I am a socialist by conviction and support Modi on the assumption that he too is a socialist and an advocate of human rights and Indian fraternity, justice, social, economic and political of the Gandhian ethos.
September 24, 2013                                    V.R. KRISHNA IYER

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