Justice to none , Appeasement to some

published on October 25, 2013

MUMBAI: One and only card left with Congress to garner vote is to divide the soceity in the name of religion , By promoting hatred within communities this party which boasts secularistic ethos in every breath aim to continue their rule.
Mehmood -ur Rahman committee appointed by Congress government in Maharashtra came up with recommendations on how to pamper Muslims in coming up elections. According to this committee Muslims should be given 8 to 10% reservations to Muslims in education and jobs in Maharashtra. What follows is the myth of Muslim poverty (In other words all Hindus in Maharashtra are Billionaires and it’s only the poor Muslims who suffer!) which was exposed various times with facts , figures and reason.

If their own Community leaders want their boys and girls to get married before puberty , why this lament then about their poor representation in Educational institutions or Government jobs? If they don’t want to take part in any family planning why this lament about lack of housing for each of their offsprings?

As an Indian we all have certain rights and at the same time it comes with certain responsibilities as well towards the society and the Nation. Instead of giving more and more sops in the name of Minority rights , take measures to teach them who to be and behave like responsible ciitizens of the country.

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