Journalists, CRPF, Civil Society gunned down by ………..?

via K Vijayan published on June 12, 2011

Great mystery, whodunnit?

No sir. The Government tells us it is Mumbai Gangsters, Maoists, and the Dilli Commissioner of Police respectively. That should keep us happy?

We say it is Sonia Gandi and her gang of alien stooges and mercenaries.

The murderers who killed lakhs of Hindus in Kashmir, thousands of Sikhs in Dilli, and who have already converted several parts of India into Mini Pakistans and Christusthans are ruling India – and looting India.

The money Courier, Evangelist Medical Adviser (sic), and Life-convicted Maoist Fellow Traveller Binoyuck Sen gets ‘Bail’ from the Supreme Court since the Life sentence was imposed by a BJP State High Court, and the Un Principled Alliance of Jihadis and Crusaders immediately anoints him as a Member of the Planning Commission.

Known perjurors, forgers, crusaders, jihadis and secessionists are members of the Super Parliament – the NAC and its “Councils”.

Security personnel were killed by Jihadis in their attack on Parliament, but the only person convicted and sentenced to death is being fattened on halaal meats and kept in comfort; for re-deployment. So is Kasab, the 26/11 Islamic Hero.

A hundred CRPF may get killed in Chattisgarh by Maoists – so what? Maoists are Friends of Sonia. Maoists Rule, okay.

Dawood Meah, is the mass murderer of Hindus, Prophet-appointed Avenger for Ayodhya Ram Mandir, and Patron Saint of all Bollywood pimps, prostitutes, producers and Sharad Pawar. He rules Maharastra and Top Cops and Judges seek his help to recover rent from recalcitrant tenants. He can shoot down journos who don’t toe his line – but he too is a Friend of Sonia, and Son-in-Law of most of the muhammedan Ministers in State and Central Cabinets. Which is why neither the State of Maharastra nor the Dilli Sarkar will utter a word against him. He may become the next Caliph of Islam yet.

The Home Minister, a Poll Cheat and a Liar by profession, has created a Saffron Terror with much Malice Aforethought. His Police Commandos, RAFs have been selected with care and trained to tackle masses of sleeping women and children, literally breaking their backs, dragging them off by their hair and dumping them on the road-side miles away from Dilli. Those Police who have any scruples or human values have been, and will be betrayed to Maoists, Muhammedans and Crusaders to kill in ambushes. We will be surprised if there are any real policemen left.

The Government is composed of Criminals. The Civil Society, mostly the 85% Hindus of this Nation are rising to the occasion to overthrow it. The Minorities and the Military Society still have a Choice.

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