Joint Muslim-Christian rule over Hindus

via GSK Menon published on November 14, 2009

Throughout history the Christians have been raising this bogey of persecution and cornering various ineligible benefits. In India they enjoy super status in the field of education, banking, politics and bureaucracy, and see what they have done

In the educational sector they milked Hindus by extracting  huge donations. These funds were in turn diverted to convert gullible Hindus. Schools/colleges sporting fancy alien names are squeezing donations in lakhs of rupees. No receipts are given for these cash extortions. Where are crores of rupees going ? Government is afraid to ask because they are called “minority”.

In the banking field they excel in gold loan and chit business, apart from their own banks patronised by their community. Very convenient arrangement to suppress and launder cash looted in the form of donations, exorbitant interest amounts etc.

In politics it is pure blackmail. Form enclaves and consolidate into vote banks and do sale of  bulk voting  i.e. make unreasonable demands like job reservation, subsidised trips to  alien lands, in exchange for votes.

In bureaucracy slyly secure powerful positions in education, boards, selection committees, so that entry of converts can be smoothly facilitated.
Inspite of all such privileges they will continuously make false claims like nun raped in Orissa, prayer meetings disrupted etc and make a ruckus on TV and Press , which is also under their control.
There is no complaint against any Muslim country for the Christians know that they will be finished if they try to do any clandestine conversion gimmick. It is only in India and on the Hindus that all nonsense can be done and it will be tolerated in the name of “secularism” which in today’s context means JOINT MUSLIM – CHRISTIAN RULE OVER HINDUS.

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