Jinnah decorates PFI Terrorists procession in Chennai

via Aron published on March 26, 2010

Dinamalar malar reports 26/3/2010-

A procession was lead by the leader of Popular Front of India in chennai, demanding communal representation recommended by Ranganathan Misra commission. A big photo was published, and a small crowd.Shockingly,the leader’s name is given Mohamad Ali Jinnah.

It was muslim League that began its steps towards Pakistan with Communal Representation that was opposed by Gandhi and Congress in the beginning.

We have come in full circle, that a motley band of communal muslims openly put up Mr Mohamad Ali Jinnah for the same demand, and it gets reported without a word added in criticism.

The secualrists are nourishing tendencies and edging on Muslims towards that direction and Muslims too seem to have no scruples in picking up the clue.

Note that Jinnah is not a Muslim name but a Hindu surname of a caste in Gujarat, from which Jinnah’s grandfather converted to Islam.

For a muslim to bear that name can only mean an admiration for the idea of Pakistan, the methodology of ‘Direct Action Day’ of terrorizing through a Hindu Muslim bloodbath, and unabashed display of hostility and high treason.

Objecting to Amitabh for his association with Modi and encouragement to Neo-Jinnahs to lead his crowd to the streets, is what is secularism is.

It is hard to understand the hate of this ‘People’s “Front”-when India had given them so much and the Mujahirs who went there to Pakistan behind the real Jinnah have a sorry tale to tell of discrimination, human rights violation and constant bombings in Karachi.
Yet, they wants to call himself Mohamad Ali Jinnah and restart on the Muslim League original program of communal representation.

Our media finds it very normal and natural that this should happen.India is surely sliding towards another demand for Pakistan, before repetition of all the horrors which would compel us to concede. The secularists are pitching for jihadis and preparing us psychologically for that.

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