Jilted Muslim Love Jihadists in West Bengal increasing Cruelty upon Hindu Girls terribly.

via http://hinduexistence.wordpress.com/2011/11/28/jilted-love-jihadists-in-west-bengal-increasing-cruelty-upon-hindu-girls-terribly/ published on November 30, 2011

AKINARA | WEST BENGAL, 26 NOV, 2011: The non satiated Love Jehadists are getting more violent in West Bengal. The Muslim Romeos are very much interested to use them against the consent of the Hindu girls and a result of that the angry Muslim guys mostly in disguised in the Hindu names are attacking the unwilling Hindu girls brutally with choppers, knives and some times the Hindu girls are the victims of Islamic gang rape. The   numbers of such menace under love Jihad in West Bengal are growing under the protection of the TMC ( All India TrinMool Congress) in the ‘CHANGE’ whirlwind.

Now, a 17-year-old girl was stabbed at Kakinara, North 24-Parganas, this morning (26/11) by a youth when she resisted a molestation bid.

Police said that a resident of Kakinara Bazar, Ritu Sahu, who is a student of Class XII of Kakinara Arya Samaj High School, went to fetch water from a well at around 7.30 a.m. today. Shortly afterwards, a local youth, Chottu, tried to molest her after she spurned his marriage proposal. The incident led to an altercation between the girl and Chottu. Eyewitnesses told police that the jilted lover, who had a chopper with him, stabbed Ritu repeatedly during the altercation and managed to escape. Ritu started bleeding profusely. Local people rushed her to Bhatpara state general hospital where a senior doctor stated her condition to be critical. Ritu’s father, Mr Om Prakash Sahu, who is a retired schoolteacher, lodged a complaint with the police. The police have launched a raid to arrest the accused.

Local people alleged that criminal activities are on the rise in the area these days.

A Mafia like TMC Leader and MLA Arjun Singh of TMC can do nothing against a rapist Chottu Ismail.

The Big Boss of the area Mr. Arjun Singh, MLA from TMC rejected any increase of such planned violence of  Islamic hooliganism upon the Hindu residence of the mixed areas, especially upon the Hindu teen-aged  girls. This tiger is totally perplexed to search out the mole Chottu Ismail from his refuge in a local Mosque.

While Hindus of the area is in an attacking mode to strick out the Muslim culprits, the Muslim Society of the area are chalking out another plan to hide the culprits with getting some more Hindu girls anyway.

But, it is not an isolated case in  Bengal now a days. The creeping cries of Hindu girls are tactfully suppressed by the Trinmool Congress Supremo and the State Chief minister, Mamata Banerjee (read correctly as Mamtaz Banu Arjee) to satisfy the Islamic lust to enjoy Hindu Girls. As a matter of fact, keeping eyes to the Muslim Vote equations, Mamtaz Banerjee is allowing all such Muslim menace in all TMC dominated areas.

As an example, Kumari Sampa Naskar (slightly Changed), daughter of Kanai Naskar of Gayen Para, village: Raghunathpur, P.S. Mandirbazar, District: 24 Paraganas (South), was gang raped by Four Muslim Culprits ( all in teens or just crossed teens) on November 16, 2011, in a paddy field nearby to her house.  Sufficient to shame that wild beasts even, surpasses all these. Sampa happens to be an innocent Hindu girl of 17 years and on the fateful day, she went to a small pond in the field, behind her house, to fetch some fishes for the lunch. She was seized there by 4 Muslim hooligans and was gang raped. After the bestiality, the Muslim perpetrators tried to murder Sampa by her scarf by strangulation. But she was saved anyway after the culprits left her assumed as dead. But Sampa was taken to Naiyarhat Block Primary Health Center immediately and survived anyway. An FIR was lodged by the wretched Hindu family but now, it is proved that both the FIR and Medical Report have been twisted by the anti Hindu and Jihad propagators in TrinMool Congress Party, leading to execute an Islamic terror over the Hindus before snatching the Political Powers in coming Panchayet Election from the loosing Hindu grip as a Gift from ‘Mamta Didi’.

Though Police arrested the main culprit Halim Baidya (one of the four rapists), the other three are still untraceable and the case is being diluted in favour of Muslims by giving early bail for the main accused.

Actually, it is known for the cause of unchecked bleeding and sinking condition, Sampa was referred to Diamond Harbour Sub divisional Hospital for urgent and necessary treatment on that late night of the day of incident from Naiharhat Block Primary Health Centre, but she was discharged  forcefully before the completion of treatment with a purported medical report mentioning no external and internal injury with a comment that Sampa is a suspected psychiatric patient and referred to any psychiatrist.

All these were done most unethically only to appease the Muslims in the Raghunathpur and Madhabpur locality under Hindu repercussion.

Actually, C. M Jatua, MP of the Mathurapur Loksabha Constituency, the Local MLAs like Jogranjan Halder (Kulpi AC), Jaydeb Halder (Mandirbazar), Dilip Jatua (Chairman, Mandir Bazar Panchayet Samity) all from Mamtaz Banerjee’s TMC are turned as puppets of the local Muslim operators.

Some fake anti-Jihadists in the net and some paper tigers in the Bengal  Hindu Organizational scenario are frying their cakes in their own pans and Bengal Hindus are set on fire of a red hot Islamic Oven.

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