Jihadis play with fire in Maharashtra – Daaily Saamna office burnt down

via Courtesy: http://www.hindujagruti.org/ published on September 9, 2010

Beed – Maharashtra – Fanatic Jihadi’s tried to burn down the office of  Marathi daily ‘Daily Saamna’ , mouth piece of Shiv Sena. Recently Daily Saamna exposed the ‘Love Jihad’ fatwa issued by a Jihadi organisation named ‘Paigam Islam’ with ample proof.

A Jihadi named Sulemanmiyan from Uttar Pradesh had made an appeal to Muslims through ‘Paigam Islam’ organisation issuing a ‘fatwa’. In this ‘fatwa’ various ways in which Hindu girls could be drawn in the ‘love-net’ were advised. The news regarding the ‘fatwa’ was first published in ‘Danik Saamna’. One Muslim acted as per the ‘fatwa’ and drew a Hindu girl in his ‘love-net’.  That news was also published by ‘Saamna’. Paper-cuttings of this news were displayed by few Hindu youth in Balbheem College for creating awareness among the students. This enraged Muslims and they intimidated the Principal of the college and created uproar. The news about the pandemonium was also published by ‘Saamna’.

The Fanatic Jihadis attacked the office of ‘Daily Saamna’ at 5.30 a.m. They tried to enter the office by pulling open the shutter; but could not open it fully. Then they poured petrol from beneath the shutter and then threw burning crackers. The material kept in the office caught fire.

There was a rage among Shiv Sainiks as they came to know about ‘Saamna’s office on fire. Hundreds of Shiv Sainiks gathered near the office of the District Collector under the leadership of Shiv Sena -District –chief, Mr. Anil Jagtap, Mr. Balasaheb Pingale, Prof. Sunil Dhande, former MLA and staged demonstrations. They also warned that if the attackers were not nabbed within two days, not to expect Shiv Sainiks reactions to be in peaceful manner.

The Fatwa was issued by Paigam Islam, an UP based Jihadi organisations branch in Latur. As per the documents revealed by Daily Saamna the fatwa circulated among muslims in the area openly calls for ‘Jihad’ with an aim to once again hoist ‘Chand tara’ on Lal Killa.

The ruling states that, “convert Hindu girls, usurp the property of Hindus. Force them to addictions. Rob the farms and the animals of Hindus.” This sensational letter containing the ruling was distributed in the whole city. Most importantly, the distributors were strictly ordered that, “this letter must not be given to any Hindu.” Dainik ‘Saamna’, Sambhajinagar edition has published this letter. Its content is highly objectionable and a threat to social peace.
The fatwa encourages Muslims to support the organisations and according to them 2 lakhs Bangladeshis have infiltrated, of which 1 lakh are hardcore terrorists. Apart from this, 2 lakhs SIMI workers are eagerly waiting for the order. Also, 60 thousand AK47 have reached from China and Pakistan. Further, Muslims have also occupied places in the military forces.

This letter appeals to destroy the Hindus entirely and an appeal was made to Muslim youths to “convert Hindu girls and use them”. They are encouraged to make friendship with Hindu girls, to establish homely relations with their parents, to create trust and then to convert the girls. This principle is codified as ‘Bijnor UP Formula’. According to it, these youths should do any sort of work’s place at Hindu; and especially trap the Hindu ladies. Taking recourse to this means, hundreds of Hindu women have been converted in Jaipur. They have even been advised different means to bring the girls under control. The ruling spells out that, “To trap Hindu girls spend as much money as you can and then convert them. Later make them ‘Callgirl’ and from that money buy weapons to be used in the Jihad.”
Bottle Formula

Further the ruling says that, “Cause addiction of liquor to poor Hindus. Make them impotent by the addiction and convert their wives. Take over their property. Abduct their cows. Assam and Kashmir is already their control”.

Muslim government employees ordered to treasure chest the governmental treasures ! Hindu officers and the cops are extremely greedy so lure them with more money and make them slavish. To bring financial unstability in India every Muslim in government sector must treasure chest the governmental treasury. The ruling further states, the money shall be utilised for ‘Jihad’.

As usual no action have been yet taken by Maharshtra Police to nab those Jihadis who supplied those pamphlets. 

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