Jihadi Terrorism and weapons of mass political deception

via Arun published on March 9, 2006

Several days have  passed since the deadly shocking blasts in the sacred Temple town of Varanasi. Several Hindus were killed. Hundreds were wounded. As usual, pseudo secularits, psychopathic politicians, Muslim appeasing groups represented by the Congress, Communist, Samjvadi parties and its functionaries in the media, Muslim lobbying establishment, and phony liberals have appeared on the scene with ridiculuous explanations for the deadly terrorist blasts. Banana politicians who hold on power through the systemic manipulation of the electrol system, the media, Muslim lobbying establishment and alienated secular intellectuals are in forefront with their own outrageous views and analysis. Instead of arresting the terrorists and their supporters, politicians have employed mass deception and blamegame. As usual, they have pointed their finger on Pakistan based terrorist organizations. It is an attempt to direct attention away from the real problem of identifying, apprehending and prosecuting Jihadi terrorists in the state for the blast.

Policies of Muslim appeasement, pseudo secularism, faulty value system, political ball game and denial preclude them from analysing the root causes of Jihadi terrorism. Furthermore, the rejection of the safety and security of the majority Hindus deprives the state and the central governments to use the most powerful weapons against Jihadi terrorists.  

No one still haven’t came out openly to debate the real issues including Muslim appeasement policy, promotion of Muslims in high secuirty positions and their hidden agendas. Why this happens? The prolonged indifference and the Muslim appeasement policies of the UPA government is once again under the scrutiny of 1 billion Indians. Let us first have a look at few Minority appeasement policies of UPA government since its inception.

  • On July 2004, Manmohan Singh announces that Minority empowerment will be the main agenda under his government controlled by Sonia Antonio Maino.
  • On July 2004, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Samuel Reddy announced 5 % reservation for Muslims with the blessings of Sonia Maino.
  • On August 2004, A National Comitee was formed with the initiative of Arjun singh for Minority empowerment in education.
  • On September 2004, UPA government proposed to increase Subsidy for Haj piligrims.
  • ON May 2005, Arjun Singh again allocated 50 % reservation for Muslims in Aligarh University. 
  • On November 2005, UPA Government enacted a policy for rervations for minorities in reputed IIT’s and IIM’s.      
  • On February 2006, UPA government decided on a head count of Muslims in Army,Navy and Airforce.
  • On February 2006, government implemented policy forSpecial financial assistancefor Muslim students.

This is the continuation of Muslim appeasement policies of the  UPA government who started a Special Ministry  for Minorities at the central government.   These anti-national policies and practices are few tip of the iceberg.With these pampering and appeasement Policies and soft approach towards Muslim leaders linked with Terrorists  have created a secure and assertive feeling among Jihadiis  in the country and they know very well that soft minded Hindus are not going to retaliate. The Congress ministry supported by Communists and the Muslim League  is concerned only  about Mmnority Votebank and they will not enact policies and use legal, police and and corrective actions against anti national Jihadi groups and their deadly crimes.

The impotency of the Congress and Marxist Parties in dealing with these foreign and indegeneous  Jihadi terrorists are the sole resaon for the present crisis. India’s survival as a nation and the safe and secure survival of Hindus is corroding under the prolonged indifference and the Muslim appeasement polices of the government. The demoralizing trends and the false notion of secularism obstensibly encouraging Jihadi terrorism. UPA government’s reluctance to use effective social, legal, military strategies against Jihadis is counterproductive and, put simply, wrong on all counts. The tendency for Muslims to abuse our secularism, and Hindu tolerance and to display their overt violence is just another failure of the secular political model. It has only increased jihadi terrorism in all parts of the country. More surprising is the refusal of Muslim leaders and political parties to explicitly condemn Jihadi terrorism.

It is time for Hindus to join together and force Muslims, political parties and the media to shifts its attitudes about Jihadi terrorism. Until Hindus wage a relentless war against their weapons of mass deception, there will be no safety and security for the majority Hindus.


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