Jihadi Land Mafia in Kerala

published on January 21, 2013

One cannot think of any other place in India that has registered more in terms of real estate prices in the last one decade than Kerala. Tracts of land that were available at a couple of thousand rupees per cent are being transacted at a few lakhs per cent now. The growth is over 10,000% or more. As someone rightly said, no honest Govt. employee can now think of owning a house of his or her own with the Provident Fund or commuted pension available on retirement after 30 or 40 years in service. At best they can buy five or ten cents of land somewhere in a remote corner of Kerala. Who is behind this great atrocity? A few thousand people who are operating as the hated Land Mafia in God’s Own Country. And it is a simple fact that an overwhelming percentage of Kerala’s Land Mafia are Jihadi’s with Gulf connections.

Ever wondered why the so-called latest religion which claims to be full of equality and brotherhood doing this to their own people? The answer is simple – any form of Interest is un-Islamic, but Profit is completely Islamic and in line with the Koranic principles for reaching heaven. Gulf money has made a vast majority of Kerala Muslims flush with funds and they need some avenue to invest it and make more out of it. Real Estate is the best they could think of. In a small state like Kerala, where the Muslim League & its cousins are already enacting their secret agenda of capturing power by demographic means (ie. by uncontrolled reproduction), real estate business can help them in many ways. They will not only take over a majority of land holdings from the Hindus but also impoverish them by selling the same lands back to them at very high rates, after keeping all the best plots to themselves. The transactions also provide an easy way to mix up the counterfeit notes from Pakistan with the black money.

The technique goes like this. Jihadi Land Mafia identifies vulnerable Hindus and their lands in specific areas. A few Gulf based Jihadi’s from Kerala get together in the form of cartel operating under the so-called interest-free Shariya principles and invest in it. Let the real value of land be Rs. 100/-. The cartel will offer Rs 150/- and buy it. If it is not one of those strategic lands, already identified throughout Kerala by the Jihadi Land Mafia, it will be sold to another Hindu at a minimum of Rs. 300/-. Net gain for the cartel is Rs 150/- on an investment of Rs 150/-. And net loss to the Hindus is Rs. 150/-. This is completely acceptable as per Koranic principles and all of those involved will not only gain money but go directly to Heaven. Gulf is full of such interest-free Shariya compliant cartels and they will suck the entire Hindu blood out of Kerala in another one or two decades.

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