Islamization of West Bengal

via Dr Babu Suseelan published on June 21, 2010

Kolkata: Hindu Samhati leader shri Tapan Ghosh Tapan Ghosh has reported that Muslims are pressing for the construction of  Mosques  in Hindu dominated areas of Kolkata. Infiltrated Muslims from Bangladesh, West Bengal Marxist government and Bengal Jihadis have determined to continue their process of Islamization of West Bengal.
Illegal construction of Mosques by Islamists is no longer just a concern for Bengalis, but danger in all Indian states. The Kolkata incident may be local in nature, but global in scope. As bad as they are, they are Islamic plan for taking over India for Allah. Several factors increase the probability of Islamization of India. There is an unholy nexus among Islamists, phony secular Hindus, Italian Sonia headed Congress party and the mindless Marxists in India. They encourage, support and provide social-political-economic and media support to Islamic extremists and their apocalyptic ideology.
Recently Tapan Ghosh (Hindu Samhati) with ruthless honesty and striking urgency reminded us the greatest danger facing India today is from Islamic Jihadis.  In several of his writings, he reminded us passionately and persuasively that organized Islamic group’s  illegal activities is largely of our own making and Hindus must take steps to reduce the Islamic expansion plans.
Islamist expansion is successful in India when Indian political leaders give into the demands of Jihadi terrorists. Indian politicians are not bothered about our security, liberty and social progress. India is the only country in the world where Muslims can spread their hatred without any restrictions. They are marching with their deadly plan to destroy India from within.
Much of secularized Hindus do not understand or identify Jihadi hatred. But they must. The vast majority of Hindus never think about the evil intention of Islamists. Killing Hindu kaffirs define Islamic moral norms and standards of good and evil. Jihadis are marching ahead with their “Kill for Thrill’ game all over India, because Hindus have failed to make a distinction between righteousness and unrighteousness-good and wickedness. Our phony secular politicians use a variety of bogus-illogical arguments to support Islamic expansion, but basically it comes down to one thing; they do not want to take responsibility and accountability.

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