Islamization of Indian economy – Shariah Shock to Mother India

via Prof. C. I. Issac published on January 1, 2011

Shariah Shock to Mother India from BSE

The year 2008 is no doubt, an year that contributed misfortunes and humiliations to Mother India. This was an era of scams, teasing of Hindus, mudslinging of Hindutva forces, etc. which are the sum total of the balance sheet of the year. It is the paradox that scams are not even spared the Apex Court of India and stains of the same sin shamelessly ornamented the office of the National Human Rights Commission. No doubt, scams related to Common Wealth Games, 2 G Spectrum, Supreme Court Judges’ involvement of  ulterior transactions and breeding of Islamic Banking, bringing about of Shariah Index to BSE [Bombay Stock Exchange], pro-separatist endeavours of pseudo-intellectuals, opening of the off-campus centers of Aligarh Muslim University [once Jinnah remarked that Pakistan’s arsenal in India] at strategic, sensitive and vulnerable locations of India, etc are the major setbacks to an emerging secular economic power like India in the third millennium.

Whatsoever it may be, one couldn’t doubt that some mysterious elements are not sharing the strategic points of present Indian administrative mechanism. Otherwise contemporary India couldn’t subject to such blemish torments in her long history of ten thousand years. All the said corruption/scam can be eliminated from the corridors of governance and judiciary by a straightforward and committed political leadership. It is impossible for a Bhishma like Prime Minister. Bhishma was silent when Draupati was molested in the Kowrava Imperial Parliament. In a democracy like ours it is not a difficult task [not an irushyamookachalam to Baali]. But the initiation of Islamistional endeavours through squashing of the very foundations of our economic system is irreversible. Once the British started an Islamic University [Aligarh 1920] and introduced communal electorate [separate Muslim constituencies] for bringing the Muslim population in the main stream of the country. But this endeavour of Minto-Morley Reforms/Indian Councils Act of 1909 resulted finally in the vivisection of Mother India in 1947 and furthermore the perennial breach of peace and tranquility of this sub-continent.

The advocates of Islamization of Indian economic institutions and symbols are attempting to justify their steps in the tone of the above cited British administrators of India. Sometimes they are ignorant about the course of Indian history or keeping malicious designs in mind in order to Balkanize Mother India. The New Indian Express, Kochi, dated 28 December says this step of BSE Director Board is aimed to “open stock-trading to more Muslims”. It is shameful that the selection, identification and reviewing of companies in the new index list is leaving as the duty of Taqwaa Advisory and Shariah Investment Solutions [TASIS], an Islamic finance company of Mumbai whose board members include Islamic scholars and Shariah legal experts. If the BSE is desirous to attract Muslim funds they can give no n-jiahdi names like “Buddha” or “Dharma”. Who can challenge this anti-national endeavour of BSE in an apex court? Will Dr.  Subromony Swamy come to the rescue of the nation? Can we expect justice from ‘Balakrishnans’?

In the wake of Islamic fundamentalism acquiring might all over the world, no doubt, such a terminology will be a morale booster to jihadists in India. If BSE adopt a national terminology it will surely help to enhance the national sprit in those who trades in these scrips. According to Marxist historiographers Buddha represents ancient Indian material culture and surplus accumulation. They further argue that Buddha’s ideology reflected well in the Mauryan material prosperity. If so why not Shariah Index can be changed into Buddha or Dharma Index? Who can refute in future that such a demands will creep up from various religious groups?

At present Witness of Jehovah had shown their indigestibility openly to our Constitution on several occasions. For the sake of each and every religious interest if we reconsider the contours of our economic structure what will be the tomorrows of our nation? If one of the religions in India define stock market as a space of gambling and demanding the closure of it what will be the decision of the Directors of BSE? Who can refute in future such a fatwa that will not come out from Darul Uloom Deoband Seminary itself? The history of this Seminary is strengthening this doubt. For instance the same Seminary had recently issued a ridiculous fatwa that reads as follows: “Talaq uttered thrice over a cell-phone by a Muslim man will be considered valid even if his wife is unable to hear it due to network or other problems”.

It is nothing to wonder for the said malady, in a country, where President, judges of apex courts, Chief Ministers, etc are alike cloaked under the shadow of scandals, corruptions and allegations. From Rajas/Kalmadis to Balkrishnan/Dinakaran are throwing the historic question before one billion more citizens of India that “whichever one of you has committed this sin may throw the first stone at me”?

Let me quote Gurcharan Das: “A similar conspiracy of silence diminished the office of the President of India in the summer of 2007. The official candidate for the largely ceremonial office was a woman Congress party leader, Pratibha Patil, against whom there were extensive corruption charges that were widely reported in the press. She had started a cooperative bank in Maharashtra whose licence was cancelled by Reserve Bank. Her bank had given ‘illegal loans’ to her relatives that exceeded the bank’s share capital. It had also given a loan to her sugar mill which was never repaid. The bank waived these loans, and this drove it into liquidation. The government liquidator of the bank, P. D. Nigam, said, ‘The fact that relatives of the founder chairperson [Pratibha Patil] were among those indiscriminately granted loans and that some illegal loan waivers were done has come up in our audit’. Six of the top ten defaulters in Pratibha Patil’s bank were linked to her relatives”. [See the book of Gurcharan Das, The Difficulty of Being Good: on the subtle art of dharma, – Chapter Draupadi’s Courage, Penguin, 2009, pp 59, 60]. Now in India has any competent authority to investigate these corruption charges? Ah! Thanks to God, if Gurucharan Das is correct, the ‘legal immunity factor’ saved the face of the premier office.

The present India is under the control of Roman Catholic, Crypto Christian, jihadist nexus. The back seat riding of the Italian lady and her family is no more a secret. Furthermore the Prime Minister’s Principal Secretary, T. K. A. Nair, who is associated with the present scandal shrouded with former CJI K. G. Balakrishnan, is chairing the Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation, [KSIDC]. This KSIDC is the chief promoter of the Islamic Bank, the dream project of Islamic terrorist of India and Dr Subromony Swamy, the only Indian, who had shown courage to challenge this endeavour of KSIDC in an apex court. Then how can dismiss still brewing unholy nexus with Roman Catholic, Crypto Christian, jihadist nexus?   Justice [Rtd.] V. R. Krishna Iyer demanded to the said President of India ‘to ask Justice K. G. Balakrishnan to resign from his post as Chairman of NHRC’! [The New Indian Express, Kochi, 28 December 2010].

I think this note will not be complete without a mention of K. G. Balakrishnan, a crypto Christian, who not only tainted his name but also spoiled the faith, goodwill and confidence of the Supreme Court among one billion more Indian minds. Let me quote The New Indian Express: “Justice K. G. Balakrishnan has fast-tracked SNC-Lavalin case due to pressure exerted on him by his family members, who are very friendly with Pinarayai Vijayan. ……. The Prime Minister’s Principal Secretary, T. K. A. Nair, who is simultaneously holding the post of the Chairman of KSIDC, and Christy Fernandez, who is the secretary to the President, have jointly met up with the Chief Justice for influencing him in favour of  Pinarayai Vijayan with whom both of them are very friendly. ………. Mining tycoon Janardhana Reddy has met the CJI’s son-in-law P. V. Sreenijin in Kochi seeking his help in getting the CJI go soft on cases in which the Reddy brothers are embroiled”. [The New Indian Express, Kochi, 29 December 2010]. There is no room for any wonder that the political party itself is reduced to a Corruption Modulation Party [CPM]. Not only the Supreme Court’s decisions over Ambani brothers’ dispute, but the street gossip is that the Supreme Court decision over the narco-analysis test dispute associated with murder of nun Sr. Abhaya are also subjected to the influence of the tainted former CJI. The corruption charges leveled against the former CJI remaining as crying in wilderness. Ex- CJI’s innocence in the present allegations is also doubtful because he was deadly against to bring Judiciary under the purview of Right to Information Act. Thus The New Indian express sketching the helplessness of the premier investigating agency, CBI as follows: “We have received the complaint but no investigation has been launched. It will be launched only after getting an official nod”. [The New Indian Express, Kochi, 28 December 2010]. But in a pathetic scenario of self-drowning legislative, judicial and executive mechanism in corruption, the question “who can throw the first stone at her?” remains to be unanswered

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