Islamic Banking and Ramzan Fasting

via Synonymous published on August 17, 2011

Islamic Banking is one of the most sophisticated weapons in Islamic arsenal and it is soon becoming a reality in Kerala. Like East India Company, imperialism will come into Indian sub-continent again through Kerala coast and this time it is going to be Arabian imperialism under the guise of Islam. Arabs have been longing for world domination ever since the discovery of oil in Middle East , and lately they have realized that the best way to do it is through their own religion, however unscientific and illogical its theory and practice may be. Islamic Banking and Ramzan Fasting provide the best two illustrations.
Islamic Banking proscribes Interest, but one can make any amount of Profit. Similarly in Ramzan Fasting, food is banned during day time, but one can take any amount of it during the night. It is difficult to find any logic at all in both, but that is the way it is. No questions can be asked if one wants his organs intact. Blinded and innocent  followers in the form of Muslim real estate brokers are minting money from land deals with the hope of the paradise that awaits them after death. One cent of land is bought at one lakh and sold at three lakhs, and God is happy with that. But when one lends or borrows money at 8-10% interest, he goes directly to hell. Similarly, those who do not drink water during daytime but consumes food as much as three times in the night goes to paradise.
It is said that food sales in the Gulf supermarkets are much more during Ramzan period. And it is also said that invariably all Arabs increase their weight during Ramzan month. Islamic banks in the Gulf are getting billions of rials from their governments to keep it going and those few doing well are killing the ultimate consumers through profiteering in the companies they have invested in. Is God that foolish unable to differentiate between Interest and Profit? And is He night blind to see the extravagant lifestyle of the Arabs? Only those who follow Him can answer. 

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