Is Patriotism a crime? Swayamsevaks arrested for conducting Padsanchalan on Republic day

via Courtesy:RKM published on February 2, 2010

Chennai: Padasanchalan was conducted at all three locations in Chennai successfully. Eventhough police authorities denied (read – backtracked) the permissionfor the sanchalan at the eleventh hour after initially providing uswith permission to conduct the functions. Swayamsevaks (in PoornaGanavesh – see photos below) gathered peacefully and sang patriotic songs and prarthana and courted arrest after a symbolic padasanchalan.

More than

250 Swayamsevaks in South Chennai
350 Swayamsevaks in Central Chennai and
425 Swayamsevaks in North Chennai

All Swyamsevaks had given the arrest without any trouble.
All detained swayamsevaks were released by the police after completing the legal procedures.

BUTthe Biggest question is why they were arrested and what wrong they had done. Worshiping our nations is now becoming a crime in this nation

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