Is India in trouble ?

via Krishnadaya published on November 25, 2008

Dear Hindu Brothers and Sisters ,

” Is India in trouble ? ” .

The honest answer is a big



The sacred nation has fallen sick


Yesterday,  the Prime Minister himself has declared that 1/3 of India is under Naxalite threat


A day before that , the Home Minister warned that Terrorists might  use Nuclear or Biological weapons  anywhere

 ! .

It is a bitter truth that , about 35 % of it’s  own population are not sincere to Bharatam


They want it to be conquered by Pakistan or China

! . 

The  remaining 65% who are loyal to Bharath-Mata


are being systematically targeted by the said powerful  anti-national Mafia funded by Foreign powers


Unbearable  cost of living is conquering the loyal Indians  


Anti-Vedic Indian Rulers

At present the country’s control is in the hands of anti-vedic forces branded as “Secularists”


Anything linked to Sanatana Dharma  , is * Hindu-terror *  or   * Saffronization* to the Ruling elite


The very  name *Bharat-Mata* has been allergic to the Rulers

since the days of Nehru


The inner circle controlling the modern Indian Rulers are, anti-Hindu FANATICS


Look at the Christian caucus controlling the foreigner turned “De-facto PM”  Sonia !


Unpopular politicians  like Manmohan and Patil (who can’t win even a Panchayath election)  are puppets of this Caucus  


Cruel Exploitation of Common Indian

we are hearing tales of Key defense personnel selling country’s defense
secrets to enemies , Police -terrorist nexus as well as the Politicians
acting as agents of international Mafia 


current price of Petrol is about Rs.52 / litre which was fixed when the
intenational crude oil price was US$ 140 . Though , the global price of
Crude today  is US$60 , Petrol still costs Rs.52


So too the increased prices of essential commodities like Food



Common Indians miserably struggle  to feed his children


What worse can a Country expect ?


Only the Pepsi-Coca cola sponsored tycoons are making fake  “Chakde India”  cries from roof-top


Anti-Vedic Education System,  Destroyed Bharath

Traditionally , Rishis are the custodians of Bharath’s well being


Rishis like Swamy Vivekanda and Arbindo have had warned long back that
, Bharath’s life is dependent on Sanatana Vedic Dharmy


and any harm to Vedic faith will cause destruction of the nation


Unfortunately , Infidels  like Jawaharlal Nehru have systematically destroyed Bharath’s traditional Vedic infrastructure, by imposing


anti-Vedic  Education system


Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay’s address to the British parliament February 2nd, 1835 :

” I have travelled across the length and breadth of India
and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such
wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of
such caliber, that I donot think we would ever conquer this country,
unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her
spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose to replace
her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians
think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than
their own, they will lose their self steam, their native culture and
they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation “.

Unfortunately, after attaining independence, atheist Nehru blindly continued the above said


education system which very well suited his immoral anti-vedic life-style


This fraud system was based on fake theories like Aryan Invasion which was intended to create Aryan – Dravida divide


Nehru ignored Gandhiji’s fervent appeals to prohibit Mass religious conversions and cow slaughter


In fact ,the lustful Nehru became a puppet in the hands of agents like M






Having been fully addicted to the bodily  pleasures , Nehru did every thing possible to break the backbone of  Vedic Sanatana Dharma


This evil


education system has degraded Hindu dharma



It’s product Politicians in power , systematically destroyed Hindu-institutions like Temples and Veda-teaching schools


The destruction of Vedic Dharma which  Mugal-rulers and the British failed to achieve in  600 years


 independent  India’s rulers have achieved in just 60 years !


Bharath-Mata’s loyal Children Always Succeed in the Long run

What is common among India’s most successful Citizens of this moment

? . 

Let us look at  G.Madhavan Nair

( Chief of Chandrayan) , Amitabh Bachan &  Rajani Kanth ( Film Actors) , Abhinav Bindra ( Olympic Gold Medalist) , Anand ( World Chess Champion)  and Cricket legends Tendulkar and Dhoni


All of them are strictly adhering to Vedic Sanatana Dharma in their lives


and they have firm faith  in the mantra * Bharat Mata Ki Jai *


Unfortunately , the above brand is an acute minority in modern India


On the other hand , we can see a sharp increase in the practice of Vedic Sanatana Dharma abroad


Those countries are enjoying  it’s benefits



Namo Narayanaya !!!

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