Is the ghost of theocracy on the path of a comeback?

published on October 9, 2010
[Review of Kerala experiences]
By Prof. C. I. Issac

Abrahamic religions world over is getting ready to abdicate or dilute the secular values. Islam already flagged off to the revival of the medieval stratagem of religious expedition: Koran in one hand and sword in the other. The Church and Islam are in compromising mood. Recent news from USA justifies this contention. Ground Zero Mosque construction and its general American response and US President’s response are irreducible. Pope Benedict XVI’s call for redefining the concept of secularism, the back bone of the modern West, is an indication to the changing scenario. All this shifts are not accidental. The millennium mission of pontiff is not at all a secret. His target is planting cross in Asia during the third millennium as it was done in Europe, Africa and Americas in the previous millenniums. But the same pontiff gets ready to avoid Jews from the purview of proselytism. Jerusalem Post of 12 May 2009 reported – “Vatican to stop missionizing Jews” [by Abe Selig]. During his historic journey to Jerusalem, Pope Benedict XVI met the chief Sephardic and Ashkenazi rabbis at Heichal Shlomo and agreed that the Catholic Church would cease all missionary activity among Jews. Whatever it is, both are the birds of the same feather. But he is not ready to address the Hindus in the same way. His mission is the restoration theocracy in the West. That is why Pope Pius XII justified Hitler’s invasion of Russia as a “gallant action in the defense of foundation of Christian culture”. After Napoleonic wars Pontiff entitled to administer a kingdom of 425 acres with the generosity of Hitler. Anyhow the Pontiff Benedict XVI is bit ambitious and began to strive for the restoration of theocracy and Holy Roman Empire.  

The Kerala situations are simple reverberations of Abrahamic religious attempt to reestablish the Holy Roman Empire. Majority of Islamic countries are now under monstrous pressure to give way for the restoration of Caliphate. The centre of the discussion is the newly evolving Muslim Christian Maoist nexus in Kerala. On 4th July 2010 right hand of a 53 year old Christian college professor [T. J. Joseph] at Thodupuzha in Iduki district of Kerala was chopped off by Muslim fundamentalists on a charge of blasphemy. Police had found that it was the implementation of the verdict of the Sha.ri.‘ah Court run by the Muslim fundamentalist elements in Kerala. It is found that such fourteen parallel courts are running in Kerala for the last twenty years. State’s Home Minister Com. Kodiyeri Balakrishnan has  confessed that since 1993 so far 22 murders were taken place under the direction of Sha.ri.‘ah Courts in Kerala. [Mangalam Daily, Kottayam, 21 July 2010]. Ninety five percent of the victims of the ongoing Islamaization [the process of making Kerala a Dar-ul-Islam] of Kerala were Hindu youths. The present follow up action from the part of the police in the case of the recent chopping off of the hand of a professor was that the victim was a Christian. If the victim was a Hindu the destiny of the case may be an air-drawn affair.  All these Talibanism in the state had uninterruptedly grown under the unseen patronage and open policy of minority appeasement projects of Marxist Party and Congress.

In the wake of chopping off the hand of Newman College lecturer T. J. Joseph by jihadists, A. K. Antony remarked that “secular fabric of Kerala” is changing [The Hindu, Trivandrum, 12th September 2010]. In 2004 such an observation was made by him at the capacity of Chief Minister of Kerala while he was inaugurating the annual conference of Brahmins organization. He expressed the view that the reason behind the incidents like ‘Marad Hindu genocide’ was the result of the ‘acquired’ collective bargaining power [vote bank] of the religious minorities. “My personal feeling is that such bargaining power may lead to an imbalance in the economic status of majority and minority communities. There is already a feeling among the majority communities that minority communities are securing most of what is due to them through collective bargaining. This should not be allowed”. Whatever may be the insight behind this acknowledgment, no doubt, it imbibed the tone of attestation of the burning realties. On the very day of the above disclosure, the leadership of the Abrahamic religions as well as the pseudo secularists started to attack him with tooth and nail. The polemic ultimately ended with the dethroning of the chief minister by a most favored Christian, Oommen Chandy. Hence the present observation of A.K. Antony is right. But what will be the political destiny of Antony? Does the history repeat? 

Once Kerala is applauded for its secular living but now its rhythm is totally in discord. Hindu worldview of secularism is much more beyond the frontiers of modern practicing secularism of the Western type.   The Hindu society from time immemorial functioned as a role model to harmonious coexistence of all types of spiritual, material and social ideologies and practices. In Kerala such a tradition was rejuvenated in the early decades of the last century by its renaissance leaderships. Unfortunately the socio-political bridle of Kerala secular life gradually and steadily slipped into the hands of power mongering political leadership since the sixties of the last century. Thus the political framework of Kerala reduced to the level of vote bank creation. Unfortunately the main constituent element of vote bank generation condensed to the equation of minority religious appeasement. 

Before the polarized Hindu society of Kerala the vote bank of Abrahamic religions is decisive. To them the common enemy is Hindu. In the contemporary India a Christian-Islam-Maoist unholy nexus is getting momentum. Swami Lakshmananda’s assassination is evolved out of this unholy nexus.  Jihadist Islam and Catholic Church of Kerala are in secret understanding. It is mainly targeted to keep minority religious interest through the Congress commanded UDF’s [United Democratic Front], political framework. When 125 year old Kerala Catholic-Church-run vernacular news paper “Deepika” was at the brim of bankruptcy, fundamentalist Islamic forces came to its rescue. In addition to it when Prof. T. J. Joseph subjected to the Sha.ri.‘ah administration of justice, he was terminated from the service by the Church to strengthen the newly sprouting understanding between Church and Jihadists in order to destabilize Hindu society. With this new turn Church has introduced a new precedent to justify the spirit of ‘Mosaic’ [Moses is prophet to both Islam and Christianity]  administration of justice by leaving the destiny of the victim professor at the mercy of Islamic Jihadists as it is practiced right now by some Islamic countries. The dismissal order contained a provision as precondition to revoke the penal steps of the college management is ‘pardoning to the professor by the Muslim jihadists’. That means professor should let free the accused jihadist from the purview of Indian judiciary.

    One feels that prima facie Church’s penal steps are the part of Christian righteousness. An anatomical enquiry will highlight that the Church’s ulterior motives are behind this drastic step. For instance the accused [priests and nun] of  the Sr. Abhya murder case are still discharging religious and educational duties assigned by the Church. What sort of Christian righteousness is this?  One bishop kept a lady under the guise of adoption. The New Indian Express reports: Bishop Thattunkal met the woman during a pilgrimage abroad and was impressed by her “spirituality a divine experience.” This relation is giving me spiritual refreshment,” The bishop, who holds a doctorate in Canon law and civil law, cleared the adoption formalities at the sub-registrar office in Mattancheri[Cochin]. Sub-registrar Sudhakaran told this newspaper that the adoption deed was registered in the second week of September. “Two priests from the diocese had signed as witnesses and in the deed, the woman was stated to be adopted as a daughter of the bishop,” he said. [October 15th 2008, The New Indian Express, Kochi]. It is against the conventions, precedent and canonical law. But so far he is harm-proof.

    The Church world over is leading a scandalous life. Let us see the confession of a pontiff.  Pope says, Catholic Church has not been vigilant enough on the issue of Pedophiliac priests. The news is a “shock to me and great sadness”. It’s disingenuous to say church officials have been slow and insufficiently vigilant in dealing with clergy sex crimes and cover-ups. “On contrary, they’ve been prompt and vigilant, but in concealing, not preventing, these horrors”.  [The New Indian Express, Kochi, 17 September, 2010]
Nevertheless the political will of Kerala researching to find ways to appease minorities at the expense of majority population. No doubt one couldn’t refute the power of vote bank. The government decided to start Islamic banking in Kerala with a share capital of Rs.10 billion. Government share in the proposed bank was limited to 20% and the remaining opened to the jihadists. Dr. Subramonya Swamy brought the matter before the High Court and the court had stayed the functioning of the proposed bank. Later Reserve Bank intervened in the matter and made it clear that according to existing rules such banks could not be started. Once Anne Besant observed: “If Hindus do not maintain Hinduism, who shall save it? If India’s own children do not cling to her faith, who shall guard it? India alone can save India, and India and Hinduism are one.” So be vigilant the rest Hindus; the minority appeasing political setup at the Centre may clear all the hurdles before the idea of Islamic banking in the near future.
Minority appeasing-political-setup of Kerala never spoils any chance occasionally crop up. Government of Kerala recently decided to contribute a relief of Rs. 50/- million to the flood affected Pakistanis. Even though Pakistanis are unwilling to acknowledge the Indian relief even from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the Muslim jihadist appeasing political mechanism of Kerala is well ahead. “Perhaps this would be the first time that the State Government is providing financial assistance to a foreign country”. [The New Indian Express, Kochi, 14 September 2010].   

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