Inviting the East India Company Through the Backdoor – Current Nuclear Deal

via H.Balakrishnan published on July 11, 2008

Regarding Nuclear Deal ,The former DAE scientist stated in the report:


” There is no exit clause. It is safeguards in perpetuity for us. It guards against withdrawal at any time.”

In the wake of the 18 July 2005 joint statement, five impressions were sought to be insinuated into the public mind by the government of India.



there will be parity on the benefits that would accrue to India, and the responsibilities that we would undertake would be comparable to the benefits and responsibilities that accrue to the US.



we were told that the reference in the statement to India being, like the US, ” a responsible state with advanced nuclear technology,” was an implicit recognition of India as a NuclearWeaponsState.



  India would be negotiating a special safeguards arrangement with the International Atomic Energy Agency. This would be ” India specific” — the impression sought to be created was that this would be akin to the agreements the IAEA has with Nuclear Weapons States.



alone would decide what sort of protocol to negotiate with the IAEA.



the fullest precautions had been taken to keep confidential the secrets vital to our weapons programme — about the materials, processes, facilities, future plans, the R&D work we are doing or will be doing in regard to this programme.


It was “governmental spin unlimited” as events have so conclusively proved!!

Reality, of course, lay elsewhere!! In her opening remarks before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, on April 5, 2006, Condoleezza Rice stated categorically,


” India is not and is not going to become a member of the NPT as a nuclear weapons state. We are simply seeking to address an untenable situation. India has never been party to the NPT…but this agreement does bring India into the nonproliferation framework and thus strengthen the regime.”


 Again,Condoleezza Rice stated categorically,


” We have been very clear with the Indians that the permanence of the safeguards is permanence of the safeguards, without condition. In fact, we reserve the right, should India test,as it has agreed not to do, or should India in any way violate the IAEA safeguard agreement to which it would be adhering, that the deal from our point of view would at that point be off.”


Thus, at each turn from the U.S. House of Representatives, to the Senate, to the Henry Hyde Act, and now to IAEA Safeguards Agreement, the ‘ screw ‘ has been tightened on India.


It binds India in ” perpetutity ” to a regime of ” inspections “. The Indian taxpayer will also have to bear the cost of inspection of each Indian facility at 1.2 million euro annually!!
As a free citizen, I regret to state that the Indo-U.S. Civil Nuclear
Co-operation Agreement, has been a ” sordid web of deceit ” that the Govt. of India has spun on its unsuspecting citizens. Its akin to inviting the East India Company, with open arms, through the backdoor.

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