Interview with Dr Subramanian Swamy

published on May 13, 2010

“Indian does not mean just holding an Indian Passport”

Dr. Subramanian Swamy is an outstanding intellectual, a well known Economist, a Visiting Professor at Harvard University, an acknowledged China expert and a relentless fighter for freedom and human rights.  He was a Member of Indian Parliament for 5 times, was the Cabinet Minister for Commerce, Law & Justice, was a Member of Planning Commission, was the Cabinet-Ministerial ranked Chairman of the Commission on Labour Standards and International Trade.
Haindava Keralam caught up with him at Tirur where was addressing a protest meeting for the installation of a statue of Ezhuthachan at Tirur. The local fundamentalist oppose this saying it amounts to idol worship in a Muslim majority area.

You are a Internationally renowned Economist from Harvard and was a Professor of Economics in IIT – What made you to take up politics ?

A: I went to address Jana Sangh Parliamentary Party meeting to advocate the economic feasibility of the atom bomb as also to espouse my Swadeshi Plan. Mrs. Gandhi and the pro-Soviet Communists intellectuals like KN Raj and Amartya Sen saw this as a dangerous development for them, so they got me dismissed from my post of Professor of Economics at IIT Delhi. I was later re-instated 22 years later but I was Commerce Minister then and so had to resign from the post. I had to choose when I was dismissed whether to live in India without a job or return to Harvard in USA for a job. I chose the first and thus entered politics to fight pro-Soviet socialism. I succeeded in 1991 as Union Minister to get rid of Soviet socialism and help Narasimha Rao bring in economic reform.

What all are the Internal threats faced by our Nation now?

A: Our main internal threat is a lack of identity. We should make everyone accept that being Indian does not mean just holding an Indian Passport. Indians should also accept that we are either Hindus or descendents of Hindus which Indian Muslims and Christians are. Hence India is Hindustan. All other threats come from the lack of identity. We should foster development Sanskrit as our national language since every Indian language has a large number of Sanskrit words.

Hindus are increasingly becoming religious and attend Hindu Temples, Festivals and spiritual camps. How can we politicize Hindus and make them strong nationalists?

A: By being sincere, and credibly promise that if elected to office, not to betray the people by trying to implement the election commitments.

Can you elaborate on your association with Sangh Pariwar on various National Issues? Your take on the Ram Sethu and Ayodhya issue.

A: Although I am not a formal member of RSS I have worked very closely with RSS, especially with the good wishes of Guruji, Madhav Rao Mulay, Nanaji Deshmukh, Dattopant Thengadi, and recently Sudharshanji. From the very beginning I believed Hindutva is the only cement with which we can build a modern strong India. Even when I was campaigning against Vajpayee I worked for re-opening of Kailash & Manasarovar, making the Session Judge Pande, who ordered the locks of the former Babri masjid to be opened to allow puja inside, as High Court judge, and also worked to finding a solution as Law Minister to the Ram temple issue. So Ram Setu etc is just contunuation of same thinking. 

You are also an expert in Indo- China relations and Indo- Israel relations – Can you please elaborate on both according to current scenario?

A: China is our neighbour, and Israel is our tested friend in times of need. Hence, we have to befriend both. China has to be managed without sacrificing our national interests, and not as Nehru foolishly did. Israel only needs our love and commitment that we will never let the Arabs over-run it. It is a land of 6 m illion Jews surrounded by 125 million Muslims.

Indian Diplomatic Training school in Missouri is in the hands of phony secularists. How we can we influence, revise or modify our Diplomatic Training schools?

A: Ask BJP to raise a storm in Parliament over this issue.

Whether you think Hindu organisations are not effectively using our Judiciary to protect Dharma? If yes – What is your advice

A: Obviously not,  because they have not fought, or fought and won, for any of the Hindu causes in court. That is why with the concurrence of RSS and VHP leaders, the Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha has set up a legal cell— under my convenorship.

Nationalists in Kerala are grateful for your timely intervention to nip Islamic Banking from its bud itself in Kerala, What Is your advice to Kerala Hindu Society on dealing with such Anti National practices aimed at Minority appeasement?

A: Kerala Hindu society should be aggressive and united as in the Devasom Board issue, and be non-aligned between Communists and Congress. Which means in elections, united Hindus can align with either for seats adjustments.

Recently there was a report that few Islamic leaders of Jamaat e Islami and other Islamic organisations on meeting Naro Naramain Meena, Minister of State for Finance in New Delhi to discuss the feasibility of Interest Free Islamic Banking in India. Though once failed in Kerala, did you think that Islamists will keep on pressurising the Government for Islamic Banking in India? If so how can we counter it

A: Of course they will keep pressurising. That is what Mohammed said to Muslims about their role in Darul Harab which what India is today. But the laws are clear and these cannot be easily changed.

You had waged a one man war against Sonia Maino – Many are not certain why Sonia Maino decided to sacrifice Prime Ministership – Is there any legal obstacle for Sonia to become Prime Minister?

A: See my website under “Know Your Sonia” in

. In 2004 there was a bar in Section 5 of the Citizenship Act which I used to persuade the President not to invite her to form the government. But before demitting office the BJP government as their last act amended it out as part of the Bill for Overseas Indians! If there is a next time I will first have to argue the illegality of that amendment, which I can successfully.

Being a Former Law Minister, Have you ever thought of introducing common civil code and scrapping Article 370 ?

A: I did and prepared the papers, but our government fell in 1991. When Jayalalitha proposed my name for Minister in Vajpayee’s government I was planning to complete the process, but Vajpayee refused to induct me so it remains incomplete.

How could Hindu Organizations be more politically active and undertake result oriented action strategies?

A: Of course they must. That is why the HDAS has also formed a Hindu Parliamentary Forum and asked me to help form it. Hindu organisations must strive to build a Hindu vote bank which will make every party try to appease Hindus.

Do you think that there is a strong anti-Hindu lobby at work in Indian Media ?

A: It’s more a pro-careerist selfish lobby which is afraid of an anti-Hindu government. This lobby will change its tune if a pro-Hindu govt comes to power.

Why Hindu organizations not interested in starting a national media and television station?

A: Send Rs 10 crores per year to me for three years. I will return it over five years. If you cannot arrange it, then you have answered your own question.

Your message to HK readers

A: Propagate our identity, learn Sanskrit and be ready to fight back.

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