Interest of the workers and the nation should stand hand-in-hand-KC Kannan

via published on June 15, 2010

13th Triennial Conference of Bharatiya Vastrodyog Mahasangh

THIRTEENTH triennial conference of Akhil Bharatiya Vastrodyog Mahasangh concluded in Coimbatore on May 30. Addressing the delegates, Akhil Bharatiya Sharirik Shikshan Pramukh of RSS Shri KC Kannan said a sense of national identity should be cultivated among the people and this makes Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) a trade union with a difference. He said while standing for the cause of the workers we have to be part of a global mission. He opined that lack of national spirit and patriotism are the main reasons for majority of the problems facing the country and hence the RSS has adopted the working plan for national reconstruction through man-making process. He said the BMS is an organisation of workers which believes that the interest of the workers and the nation should go together.

Inaugurating the conference, BMS national secretary Shri Sarvesh Chandra Dwivedi stressed the need of organising all the stakeholders in this industry right from the cotton farmer to workers of garment sector. He said the industry is in peril due to the wrong policies of the government. He advocated for an integrated policy in this area.

Shri S Durairaj submitted the general secretary report and Shri Vinod Richaria submitted the financial report. Many resolutions were passed including that on job security, abolition of contract labour, amending ESI and EPF Acts to cover all the workers, to strictly enforce provisions of TWRFS by covering all the workers of all the closed units, formation of wage board and integrated policy in textile industry. The conference elected the new executive body headed by Shri Vinod Richaria from Madhya Pradesh as president and Shri S Durairaj from Kerala as general secretary. Vice president Shri K Pazhaniswami proposed the vote of thanks.

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